Oggi mi è arrivato il manuale cartaceo della seconda edizione di “Questlandia” (Hannah Shaffer e Evan Rowland, 2022). Il PDF mi era arrivato qualche settimana fa.
In “Questlandia”, si gioca un gruppo di abitanti di un “reame” che tentano di salvarlo dal declino e dalla distruzione.
Ricordo di averlo giocato per la prima volta poco dopo che era uscita la prima edizione, nel 2014, alla EtrusCon Estate 2014.
Alla fine l’ho giocato solo quella volta, e delle regole mi ricordo poco e niente, però porto un bellissimo ricordo della partita. Ricordo anche che avevo trovato le regole del conflitto molto giocattolose e piacevoli.
Played it solo, have you? Interesting idea…
@florik No, I actually never played it solo. But is that really in the rules?
Ah, sorry, I misread. My Italian is too bad.
I don‘t think it‘s in the rules, no.
@florik Don’t worry. If you have any questions, I’m here.
Have you ever played “Questlandia” (1st or 2nd edition)?
I‘ve only read it, 1st edition. Would love to play and I do have a group that would enjoy it, but well, there are so many games out there. Haven‘t yet managed to slot it in.
How much time do you suggest a game takes? It looked like a two-shot to me, as we typically run 2.5 hour sessions.
@florik Definitely: it is a two-session game, especially if you play for two and a half hours. On the back of the second edition, it is listed as lasting “4-6 hours”, which corresponds to my experience. But keep in mind that I only played it once.
Thanks! And by the way, I'll be running your Cthulhu Dark module _Il Prezzo della conoscenza_ once again near the end of January at a con because I like it so much.
@florik Thank you very much!
I just replayed it last week at Dark Tower Con and, despite the flaws in the mystery, the game turned out great. I’d like to rewrite the weaker points and fix them but, before doing so, I should hear from Luigi, the other author.
@florik Come to think of it, in case you are interested in another mystery for “Cthulhu Dark”, two years ago, I wrote “Sonata purpurea”. I find it a more conceptually interesting mystery and perhaps even has fewer flaws than “Il prezzo della conoscenza” but, I don’t know why, I like the latter better.
I have run #Sonatapurpureia as well. You‘ll probably find my play report on Mastodon searching for #CthulhuDark. We really enjoyed the setting, but I think Il prezzo is better, not as linear. Also, sadly, one of the players couldn‘t get into the system at all.
@florik Yes, “Sonata purpurea” seems more linear because I had not had time to do all the steps in the “Rewriting the mystery” section properly, but it has less of the problem of shortcuts and red herrings.
I’m not finding the post, though.
Did you really have a player who had problems with the (minimal) rules of “Cthulhu Dark”?