AoiA nonlocalized hidden gem<br>
I guess I can say that PSP has quite a bit of hidden gems. <br>
I always loved Musou/ Warriors games. The same goes for Tales of series too. Vesperia is my favorite. So combination of those two genre/games would definitely yield some amazing results and yes, it did. Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave, is a great game. <br>
Musou style gameplay (1 vs. 1000 men) mixes with RPG heavy style of Tales game effortlessly. The gameplay is fluid and enjoyable. Maps are much more condensed, and linear than the average Warriors/Musou and I think the game greatly benefits from it. Corridor like, linear paths offer much better experience than walking on an empty yet vast field. <br>
Graphics of it is, incredible. Simply gorgeous. You sometimes ask yourself how could PSP had managed to handle it. Breathtaking. Simply stunning.<br>
When it comes to plot, it is not a plot heavy game but the interaction between the characters, which is the staple of Tales series, is well constructed. <br>
I wish this game have received an HD release for the modern platforms. Holly shit we consider PSP retro. How fast the time passes by.<br>
You should definitely give it a chance. It will not disappoint. <br>
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