Happy Mondog! I hope you have a good week.
#Mondog #dogsofmastodon #dog #dogs #Fedidogs #mastodogs #dogsofpixelfed #Hund #Hunde #spaniel #Cockerspaniel ##EnglishCockerSpaniel #SpanielsofMastodon #TongueoutTuesday
Check out these adorable and o so affectionate pups. Great way to relax and not worry about news of the day. #englishcockerspaniel #dogsofmastodon #Mondog
A very happy Mondog to all! Have a good week.
#Mondog #dogsofmastodon #dog #dogs #Hunde #Mastodogs #Fedidogs #dogsofpixelfed #Spaniel #Cockerspaniel ##Englishcockerspaniel #spanielsofmastodon
Happy Mondog! Someone had too much fun over the holiday weekend.
Happy Thanksgiving! Is that the Thanksgiving feast I smell? I am very grateful for the Mastodon community.
Nellie is nine! Happy birthday to my sweet pup and happy Mondog to all.
If your heart is broken like mine, hug a sweet dog and hang on for dear life.