...og det er jo jaggu ikke noen garanti for at man ikke blir skuffa over sine tegneseriehelter av ulike årsaker.
(Gløtter mørkt i retning av Neil #Gaiman, Warren Ellis, Karine Haaland og Tatsuya Ishida).
...og det er jo jaggu ikke noen garanti for at man ikke blir skuffa over sine tegneseriehelter av ulike årsaker.
(Gløtter mørkt i retning av Neil #Gaiman, Warren Ellis, Karine Haaland og Tatsuya Ishida).
Why NOT burn #Gaiman 's books?
Why not?
Why do we revere the work of perverse monsters as if it did not come from their hands?
Please after all this time, learn.
Have not fact-checked:
"Just a heads up for peeps, if you bought a Neil Gaiman audiobook from Audible, they are allowing refunds for them with no questions asked and no matter how long ago you bought them. I don’t even have an active subscription and they gave me credits back for two titles purchased in 2020." #Gaiman #bookstodon
#Gaiman streitet (natürlich) weiterhin alles ab und hat nun das krisenmanagement angeheuert, das auch danny masterson (convicted rapist and member of scientology) und prince andrew vertreten hat.
"Trade magazine The Bookseller reported that Gaiman hired the crisis management firm Edendale Strategies and lawyer Andrew Brettler, who has represented Danny Masterson and Prince Andrew. Neither party has responded to NPR's request for comment.“
Not only did she not know it, it's pretty clear she didn't know it.
She had no contact whatsoever with #Gaiman between 2020 and 2022, 2022 is when the Pavlovich revealed to #Palmer what happened. That is a bit after Palmer says to her friend the comment about discovering and uncovering what a monster he'd been this whole time.
It is quite clear that Palmer is unaware that Gaiman is a serial rapist until right before their divorce begins.
A propósito del nuevo artículo sobre Gaiman, vamos a recordar a @scalzi y sus sabias palabras al respecto:
1. Dejemos de idolatrar a la gente creativa
2. Dejemos atrás todos los ídolos
3. No dejes que nadie te idolatre
Neil #Gaiman: ‘Terry #Pratchett isn’t jolly. He’s angry’ | Terry Pratchett | The Guardian
From the archive: Terry Pratchett may strike many as a twinkly old elf, but that’s not him at all. Neil Gaiman on the inner rage that drives his ailing friend’s writing
Who are your 5 favourite authors, and your favourite book by each. I need a reading list to help me escape this endless doomscrolling.
I’ll start.
Haruki Murakami - Kafka on the Shore
John Irving - A prayer for Owen Meany
Paul Auster - The Music of Chance
Neil Gaiman - American Gods
Terry Pratchett - Small Gods
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse 5
(Yes, that’s 6)
Apparently Neil Gaiman’s creepiness has been an “open secret” in the publishing world for decades. I find that incredibly frustrating, tolerating creeps because they make you money is the Jimmy Saville school of problem solving. #Gaiman #NeilGaiman #NeilHimself
È in preparazione la seconda stagione di The Sandman, ma riusciremo a vederla? È notizia di pochi giorni fa che Neil Gaiman, l'autore, sia stato accusato di aggr3ssione sess*@le da parte di alcune donne.
Kim, nell'articolo, fa il punto della situazione e raccoglie tutte le informazioni fino ad oggi trapelate.
(hiding in the shadows for too long, popping up here and there)
from Bonn, Germany
Always been interested in nerd stuff
- #XPhile
- #Whovian
- #StarWars Kid
Listening to a lot (!) of music (#Metal will always be a part of me)
Enthusiastic concert-goer
Film enthusiast
Comic freak (#Mignola, #Lemire)
Book reader (huge #Gaiman fan)
Collector of irrelevant trivia
Generally friendly, tends to be introverted
Loving the self-sufficient friendly vibe of Mastodon
I (Editor) love quoting #GKChesterton. He was a great #journalist whose #essay(s) are still loved today. Advocated #Distributism #Economics. What he noticed about #Millionaires 100 years ago still apply to #Billionaires today.
#HistoryRepeats. #Chesterton was a huge influence on #Fantasy #Literature today, inspiring such #Authors as #Tolkien, #Pratchett, #CSLewis, and #Gaiman, with his thoughts on #Myth, #Story, #Art, and #Narrative.
Anhkaa : Nom masc...fém... nom.
Désigne un informaticien pas vraiment binaire dont le travail lui sert avant tout à manger et avoir un toit.
Tente avec plus ou moins de succès de combattre ses biais cognitifs et éducationnels afin de rendre aux femmes la place qui leur est dû. Héter-allié.
Roliste, amateur de jeux de société , de préférence coopératifs et du travail du bois.
Fan de #startrek #dragrace #QueerEyes N. #gaiman T. #pratchett W. #Gibson et D&L #eddings
@Stoori which is a shame, as it cam lead to such marvellous works such as #NeilGaiman's and #TerryPratchett's #GoodOmens: https://www.tor.com/2014/12/22/how-neil-gaiman-and-terry-pratchett-wrote-good-omens/
I think #Gaiman describes it some more in an episode of " #DavidTennant does a #podcast with...": https://open.spotify.com/episode/4hlguLVKEGIkbCctEur8v9?si=NLQdlY4FTSel6OZEAO9fUw