US aid freeze threatens info flow out of Iran amid crackdown #Conflicts #DonaldTrump #Iran #IranHumanRights #IranUSRelations #USPolitics #usaid
US aid freeze threatens info flow out of Iran amid crackdown #Conflicts #DonaldTrump #Iran #IranHumanRights #IranUSRelations #USPolitics #usaid
#Iran's Regime Detains Another Foreign Journalist, #Italy's #CeciliaSala
#CeciliaSala was seized in Tehran on Dec 19 while she was reporting and recording podcasts
Kept in solitary confinement in Tehran's Evin Prison
Tells family that she is fine but "Act Quickly"
#Iran's Regime Detains Another Foreign Journalist, #Italy's #CeciliaSala
UPDATE: #Iran's Women Face Long-Term Prison Sentences Over New #Hijab Laws (Deepa Parent)
(h/t Guardian)
#IranHumanRights #WomanLifeFreedom #ParastooAhmadi
Nobel Prize Winner #NargesMohammadi Given Medical Leave from #Iran Prison; Rapper #ToomajSalehi Freed
#IranHumanRights #WomanLifeFreedom
Her name is Ahoo Daryaei (آهو_دریایی).
Say her name.
Break the silence.
Let this go viral!
#AhooDaryaei #AhouDaryaei #freeAhooDaryaei
(picture by Hamed Shamloo)
RT @Bijan63/
Haar naam is Ahoo Daryaei.
Noem haar naam.
Doorbreek de stilte.
Laat dit viraal gaan!
#AhooDaryaei ⦾ ⦾ #WomanLifeFreedom #IranHumanRights #IAU #Tehran #cartoons #HamedShamloo
#JamshidSharmahd also a US permanent resident
Accused of planning a 2008 bombing in Shiraz
Abducted in 2020 from UAE and put thru "sham trial", according to human rights activists
#Iran police force fires commander in Lahijan in north of country, following beating and killing of #MohammadMirmusavi in custody
Officer dismissed for “lack of sufficient supervision over the performance and behavior of employees"
President Orders Investigation of Police Beating and Killing of Detainee in Northern #Iran
#IranHumanRights #MasoudPezeshkian #MohammadMirmusavi…
#Iran: Female Labor Activist #SharifehMohammadi Sentenced to Death
Finiremo a difendere l'ayatollah, gli ulema ed i pasdaran, quando il loro stesso popolo cerca di tirarli giù da anni.
Perché sai, l'antiamericanismo di chi combatte il "Grande Satana"… il contrappeso a Israele… l'amicizia con Hezbollah e Hamas… la destabilizzazione della società attraverso il corpo delle donne…
Poi ci definiamo di sinistra, nevvero?
#iranelection #IranVotes #IranHumanRights #ayatollah_deathmm/
#Iran Updates: Award-Winning Filmmaker #MohammadRasoulof Given 8-Year Prison Sentence
UPDATE: "Levels of Hell" --- The Swedish Citizen and EU Employee Detained in #Iran for 600 Days
#Iran Updates: 127+ Executions Since October 7