CI Games reveal new Lords Of The Fallen, Sniper Ghost Warrior and a “major new action-RPG” - #BandaiNamcoEntertainment #LordsoftheFallen2 #LordsoftheFallen #CityInteractive #XboxSeriesX/S #SplashDamage #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #Hack&Slash; #WarChest #CIGames #XboxOne #Android #PS5 #RPG #iOS #PS4 #PC
Lords of the Fallen reboot Lords of the Fallen is getting a sequel in 2026, probably called Lords of the Fallen - #BandaiNamcoEntertainment #MultiplayerCooperative #MultiplayerCompetitive #TheLordsoftheFallen #LordsoftheFallen2 #LordsoftheFallen #ActionAdventure #CityInteractive #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #SplashDamage #Thirdperson #Hack&Slash; #CIGames
Hype alle stelle per #LordsOfTheFallen! Nuovo capitolo in arrivo nel 2026! Sei pronto a combattere?
Lords Of The Fallen's latest update adds cruel modifiers that turn it into a roguelike -;_medium=rss&utm;_campaign=feed #BandaiNamcoEntertainment #LordsoftheFallen #CityInteractive #SplashDamage #SinglePlayer #Thirdperson #Hack&Slash; #WarChest #Android #XboxOne #CIGames #iOS #PS4 #RPG #PC
Playing #LordsOfTheFallen and this Walmart Eldin Ring is super frustrating. It’s not harder than the average soulslike, but it’s dropping frames and textures left and right so it’s hard to beat the first boss
Folks were right. Lords of the Fallen is a very good Souls-like game. The umbral lamp/shadow realm mechanic is very fun.
More layoffs as Behaviour Interactive and CI Games "adjust scope" and make "optimisations" -;_medium=rss&utm;_campaign=feed #BandaiNamcoEntertainment #MultiplayerCooperative #MultiplayerCompetitive #BehaviourInteractive #StarbreezeStudios #BehaviourDigital #LordsoftheFallen #CityInteractive #ActionAdventure #NintendoSwitch #DeadbyDaylight #SplashDamage #Indie
'Creating Lords of the Fallen's parallel world of Umbral' by Alan Wen; read it here:
It's quite impressive how passionately CI Games is improving Lords of the Fallen, and how well it can run and look on the Steam Deck at the moment. An optimized settings guide will be on @overkillwtf in a day or two. Follow-up video on Deckverse coming soon!
Lords of The Fallen has received a brand new event for the spooky season as well as a Halloween-themed update.
Non proprio soddisfatto dell’andamento di questa industria, tendente a proporre degli accessi anticipati a prezzo pieno, ho deciso di non scrivere una vera e propria recensione su #LordsOfTheFallen (2023).
#hexworks #cigames #soulslike #darksouls #fromsoftware
The brand-new Lords of the Fallen by CI Games, is now available to play via the cloud thanks to #GeForceNOW and #Boosteroid.