I always keep my PS Vita Slim 2000 close by, but I find I don't play it much. I have a bulky carrying case, but don't have a case for the body itself, and sometimes get worried about damaging it despite it being a portable handheld.
I get into phases with picking it up and putting it down again. I have a lot of storage that was expensive as hell purchased early on when I was around 12 years old. However, it's not enough to keep every game I ever come across for the vita on there.
It just occurred to me, it really doesn't hurt to just start keeping a spreadsheet that has a list of these game names. Even though I might not have them on my vita itself, it's easy to download basically any of them through homebrew. That might make it easier for me to remember whether they're worth playing if I end up having to delete them. I also want to be more easy on myself about feeling bad about games that are too hard for me or don't click on the vita, there really is a vast collection out there.
#psVita #homeBrew #vitaHacking