#TheThing, #TheHead #WhiteOut #XFiles happening in real time? - Team of #Scientists Is Trapped at Isolated #Antarctic Base - 1 of Them Just Attacked and Threatened Others: Report #Movies #TV https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/team-scientists-trapped-isolated-antarctic-122249452.html
Please endure the latest issue of the recently resurrected Thing Monthly. Grab the PDF from here if you're in the habit of downloading PDFs from strangers on the internet: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mpi0lxeg4ieqtjpfuzeey/TM-March-2025.pdf?rlkey=xtpcissfche6m1kuodw6369ir&st=0b0m7cym&dl=0
#TheThing #TM #Fanzine #Retro #Humour #Satire #FOSS #JustLikeMamaUsedToMake #ThingMonthly
Stasera segnalo...
#TheThing (Italia2)
#TheImitationGame (WBTV)
In seconda serata:
#SpyGame (Iris)
#TheGame (Rete4)
#TheDry (Rai4)
Why did they want to kiln that poor husky !?
Oh #music by Ennio Morricone !
I just finished watching #TheSubstance starring #DemiMoore for which she already has received a #GoldenGlobe for #BestActress in a #Musical or Comedy.
The #movie is truly #BIZZARE!!!!
I initially thought it was intended as a #horror show but then it morphed into a #farce which had me laughing out loud at the ridiculousness if it.
It's #TheLastShowGirl (2024) meets #TheThing (1982) and the underlying question is: What price are you willing to pay for fame & beauty?"
I've now watched 8 out of the 10 #Oscar nominated films for #BestPicture this year and so far & The Substance is my favorite for the craziness & audacity of it all.
I'd give it at least a 7 and maybe even an 8 out of 10 -- so call it a 7.5 which is a very high movie rating from me.
I know it won't win the Oscar -- #TheBrutalist which already won the Golden Globe for Best Picture will probably get it -- but IMO this film is better & I'm immediately adding it to my DVD buy list.
Time to share my #LastFourWatched in this #LetterboxdFriday
The Boy and the Heron (3½★)
Nosferatu (4★)
Queer (3½★)
The Thing (3½★)
"I dunno what the hell's in there, but it's weird and pissed off, whatever it is."
One year ago today I posted this miniature photo I shot of The Thing dog. All done practically using real lighting, figures and miniatures
#thething #horrormovies #scifi #photography #miniatures #toyphotography #photographer #movies #actionfigurephotography #visualart #creativephotography
#disque du jour, bonjour !
#Arashi with #TakeoMoriyama • Tokuzo (Trost, 2024)
Trio composé de #AkiraSakata, un saxophoniste inconnu de mes oreilles, #JohanBerthling, bassiste qui officie au sein de #Fire et #FireOrchestra, et du batteur #PaalNilssenLove, qu'on retrouve chez #TheThing ou #TerritoryBand, rejoints par un second batteur, #TakeoMoriyama, inconnu de mes oreilles lui aussi. Et clairement, on a du bon, du très bon #FreeJazz. Bref, jeter une oreille sur cette excellentissime album.
There are #films that are both overwhelming & almost unbearable at the same time.
Carpenter's #TheThing is one of them, as is the #Korean masterpiece #Parasite & now #ApocalypseNow. #Movies that move me & make me want to take a break or start again!
#ApocalypseNow Redux wrestles me down. #Filmsky
RE: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:xdjqpqlccq57rplc6ulr73rp/post/3le7dweiick2e
Not a creature was stirring, not even...uhh nevermind. #grickledoodle #holidays #christmaseve #santa #thething #horror #cartoon #art #drawing #funny