We need more #accessible apps for #bluesky because it's more user-friendly than #mastodon
#accessible #accessibility #blind #bluesky #fediverse #mastodon
We need more #accessible apps for #bluesky because it's more user-friendly than #mastodon
#accessible #accessibility #blind #bluesky #fediverse #mastodon
@inversephase It's almost certainly not going to be #accessible enough for me as a #blind #gamer to play it. Don't care, I'ma try it anyway :)
So it's 2025 and I can't ask my computer "Check my email" and get a "You have 3 new email" and me "Read aloud my first email" and then reply by dictating my message?
I'm working for a client who cannot look at a screen, and have sever arthritis, and I've been helping her to setup a workflow with the less amount of looking at a screen and less amount of typing and I am appalled by how difficult that is.
Anyone is verse in Voice UI ? It could be on Mac or Windows, or Linux, and I can build some electronic for her too (headless raspberry pi, with text only email, text to voice / voice to text.)
Although I generally don't want to use LLM or AI, I would break that rule to work with her on some sort of model that could help her with her day to day activities.
Surge XT is such a great synth, I don't think I'll ever need to get anymore synths.
#accessibility #audio #blind #music
#Blind people who use #Matrix, particularly on #Windows, is #Element the most #accessible client? I've been getting into it because a lot of communities for #SelfHosted services use it, but I don't find Element the easiest to navigate, so I'm wondering if there are other options.
#SelfHosting #OpenSource #Accessibility #ScreenReader #ScreenReaders
@mastoblind @main
Jeg er ved at være temmelig træt af CD-ripper funktionen i MacOS's indbyggede musikafspiller.
Jo lydkvaliteten fejler ikke noget, men det er bare så irriterende at jeg manuelt skal sidde og fiske mp3-filerne ud af musikbiblioteket hver gang jeg har rippet nogle CD'er.
Og så er der også lige det, at jeg heller ikke kan finde noget tilgængeligt alternativ, da jeg er blind og derfor kan være ret begrænset i udvalget af software da det desværre ikke er alting der kan bruges med skærmlæsere.
#accessibility #audio #blind #music
Anyone know of an #accessible CD-ripper for mac?
I don't mind using the music-player's built-in ripper-function, but I'm kinda tired of having to manually go in and fish my ripped CD's out of the thing's media-library.
#accessible #accessibility #audio #blind #music
Hi! I'm Michael, or Fubsepude.
I'm a #blind #autistic music and tech-enthusiast from Denmark.
I love listening to and creating music, computers and just hanging out and meeting new people.
If you consider yourself "#progressive" or "#liberal" and consider compassion and fairness to be important pillars of your ideology, then when you fail to add #AltText to your images, you are failing at your own stated beliefs. You are saying that #Blind and low-vision members of the Fediverse just don't matter to you, and you feel comfortable excluding them from your conversations.
Well now that is really nice. TwBlue's latest version is getting to be a nice alternative to tweesecake. You can now get to filter posts, you can now specify the language in which a post is written... Definitely looking like a suitable alternative, more and more.
Now, if only one could make it so the enter key does not post but rather make a new line, and to send with something like shift+enter or ctrl+enter, that'd be perfect. I will have one hell of a hard time to adjust.
Awww just read of the passing of #SusanLumpkin. I didn't know her personally but recognize her name from around the #Blind community. Condolences to her husband and family. May she rest in peace.
Question for any #blind people who do video recording or streaming: How accessible is OBS Studio (https://obsproject.com/) with screen readers on the three major desktop platforms? I've never tried it.
Blind #parenting moment. 2YO is starting to understand I'm #blind. Last night she bit a piece of salami into a shape she said looked like a shell. She told my mom, who was on a video call, to “look.” Then she held the salami out and said, “Daddy, feel it.” This was touching, though it created a dilemma. I wanted to encourage her for understanding something new. But I did not want to “feel” a piece of salami a toddler was eating. Ended up just holding it for a brief second. Parenting decisions…
So, I'm writing a guide, or booklet, or volume, for switching from iOS to Android. What would y'all like to see in it?
any tips on where to get #HF propagation reports that are accessible for #Blind? i'm just interested on what frequencies have activities for listening. #Radio #AmateurRadio #HamRadio #Accessible #BlindHam
I just tried the #prusa app for #android and for any #blind #3dprinting folks out there, it works just as well as the iPhone and iPad version does. You are able to access the printables section well enough and the headings are clearly labeled and such. It is surprising what you can do with an app for your prints. You don't even need your computer anymore it seems. Whatever they did, they focused some of their resources on accessibility which is very refreshing and convenient for any blind folks who may want to start printing. A very good showing from Prusa and their quality software. It makes me want to consider a prusa printer all the more as the software is half the battle.
In about two hours, I'll be covering the submission to the fourth edition of Itch.IO's Blind Gamers Jam, a friendly competition to make an #accessible #game for #blind #gamers. With 35 games on the docket, we'll hopefully see some creative ways to promote game #accessibility in the various game genres. Come see and join up, over at https://twitch.tv/zersiax . #selfPromo #smallStreamer
How do you use the at sign in computer braille? #Blind
I’m giving a lightning talk at OSH25!
“Treating sight loss with an open source training device”
I found a paper describing a way to treat #hemianopia with light and sound to stimulate the brain more than light alone. My friend made the electronic device and it is improving my vision.
#blind #stroke
From: @oshwassociation