friend visited today and wanted to see that fulsome old cathedral. the redrobed church bouncers wouldn't let her in with her large backpack though. so I took it and waited outside while she frolicked through our holiest. with nothing to do I took a pic of one of the minor portals, carefully avoiding those bothersome droves of tourists. #cologne
Here are some scenes from our gig at "Night of the #headbanger in #Cologne.
Lufthansa’s Mixed Climate Progress: More Efficient Aircraft but Emissions Rise
The Lufthansa Group’s emissions rose by 16% in 2024, pushing the airline further off track from its goal to cut emissions in half by 2030. However, passenger-related air travel emissions dropped by 1%, the company said in its recently published annual report
Das Patriarchat ist das Fundament, auf dem Kapitalismus und Faschismus stehen.
Kommt mit uns zum feministischen Kampftag am Samstag auf die Straße und lasst uns gemeinsam für eine solidarische und gerechte Zukunft kämpfen!
#Cologne #Köln #Feminismus #8März #StopPatriarchy #ClimateJustice #YouthForClimate
Cologne Fetish Pride 2025
Köln, Thursday, June 5 at 07:00 PM GMT+2Flugbild, Dom, Bahnhof und Rheinbrücke, Cöln, c.1910s - Foto-AK
Köln am Rhein, c.1960 - Mauthe Foto-AK
Législatives en Allemagne : une campagne sans climat qui inquiète la jeunesse
Les thèmes principaux des législatives en Allemagne du 23 février 2025 incluent la question migratoire, l'économie et la géopolitique, tandis que le climat est largement absent des débats, ce qui préoccupe de nombreux jeunes Allemands
Hey guys. It#s time for my #introduction here at #mastadonsocial
I live in #Cologne #Germany and decided to use english in order to reach people from all over this #wonderful planet.
I am planning to focus on #positive ideeas and thoughts and focus on the #beauty and #wonders that life has got to give us all.
If you are also still believing in the #good in men and #peace and #love, I am looking forward to getting to know you!