Progressives seek health privacy protections in California, but Newsom could balk #abortion #diabetes #Health #HealthCare #Hospital #Medicaid #Research #Testosterone
Progressives seek health privacy protections in California, but Newsom could balk #abortion #diabetes #Health #HealthCare #Hospital #Medicaid #Research #Testosterone
#Greece needs a national #diabetes strategy, say new LSE study: Gaps in the Greek data registry and problems in patient access to #healthcare and disease management persist, reports the study on #diabetes care in #Greece.
The Dr.
Well, my #bloodtests were pretty good - everything she wanted down, like #cholesterol - were down, BUT my risk signs of #diabetes actually increased a little.
So I’m on new meds - that in some cases cause #diarrhoea! Oh joy.
Also, on my sudden super sensitivity to heat, the cramps in my #calves & the #dizzyspells - she thinks are down to side effects from my #heart meds.
So I’m on new heart meds as well. These too, she said, might cause diarrhoea!
More blood tests in 6 months.
I've been commissioned again by the IDHC (Indigenous Diabetes Health Circle) to create some unique trees for an upcoming grateful for the work in these challenging times!
Apparently I should be watching for an update to my Tandem Mobi.
Control-IQ+ is supposed to be rolling out this month.
Yale School of Medicine: New Study Finds Online Advertising for Compounded Diabetes and Weight-Loss Drugs May Mislead Consumers. “Online advertising for compounded versions of a popular class of type 2 diabetes and weight-loss medications commonly includes practices that only partially inform or even misinform consumers, a team of Yale School of Medicine (YSM) researchers has found. The work […]
I want to do some really fucked up things to all these diabetes scammers!
Facebook scammers want you to think Elon Musk can cure diabetes
Nutricionistas advierten que la sobrecarga de roles afecta la salud y la alimentación de las mujeres
Nutricionistas advierten que la sobrecarga de roles afecta la salud y la alimentación de las mujeres
San José, 5 mar ( – En el marco del Día Internaciona [...]
#Alimentación #Autocuidado #CPN #CáncerDeMama #Diabetes #Dietas #DíaInternacionalDeLaMujer #Hipertensión #HábitosAlimentarios #INEC #Nutrición #SaludFemenina #SaludMental #SobrecargaDeRoles #Tendencias
A new Hungarian study found that #mushrooms help with #insulin resistance.
#Plant-based diets have substantial health & #environment benefits. These diets confer advantages for prevention & treatment of chronic #diseases, incl. CVDs, #diabetes & various #cancers. They also support environmental #sustainability thru reduced GHG #emissions and more efficient resource utilization vs meat-centered #diets. Challenges hindering their #adoption need to be addressed thru targeted public #health strategies & #policy interventions:
The third article of my dissertation was just published: We tried really hard, and failed, to find a connection between age at type 1 #diabetes onset and intracranial volume. This suggests that the age at disease onset is not an important determinant of brain growth, which is really good news!
Does anyone use a fairphone /e/OS with freestyle libre app? #diabetes #freestylelibre
Diabetes drugs may boost brain health but experts warn of risks #Addiction #Anxiety #Brain #CognitiveFunction #dementia #depression #diabetes #Drugs #GLP1 #Glucagon #GlucagonLikePeptide1 #Health #Inflammation #Insulin #MentalHealth #Metabolism #Obesity #Preclinical #Receptor #Research #Schizophrenia #stress
Scambots are currently addressing people directly and asking for money for diabetes related products.
The original 2 accounts were either moderated or deleted by the owner, the one on the right is currently active again so I wouldn't be surprised, if the one of the left was also already recycled.
Stay safe and always check for obvious signs of fraud, like the date an account was created.
I’m playing with AllenAI OLMo2 LLM.
It kept insisting my use of insulin and my TDD indicated high insulin resistance.
When I noted my c-peptide result is around 1.1ng/dL, it adjusted its view and indicated my TDD would present a challenge in keeping up with goals as a T2D.
My Time In Range is well over 90% while using an insulin pump with a TDD between 30 and 40 units per day.
When I talk about how T2D can be complicated, this is what I mean. Things aren’t always as simple as “lose weight, cure diabetes”.
And this is why we put our trust in humans who are able to reason with modern data to provide our healthcare.
I will say, among the small LLMs that you can run on your own at home, OLMo2 is among the most impressive in terms of emulating knowledge. It’s wild that it doesn’t get more attention. I have to keep reminding myself that it’s very much confidently lying to me.
Been having a challenging diabetes day.
But then I remembered my insulin pump has been on my “low” profile for a few days. Turned that up and things are coming back to normal.