@dosnostalgic I believe #Microsoft #eastereggs in Office up to RTM build of Office 2000. But due to government compliance, they started removing them after Service Pack 1. I remember finding it in the golden master build of Excel 2000, which was a boot leg copy I got from someone, but we eventually bought a copy of Office 2000 Premium and it wasn't there anymore.
Once I discovered that cartoonist Clay Jones was liberal with his use of Easter eggs, I started to spend more time searching for them.
In this one, for example, I found the apartheid era South African flag on Musk's space capsule.
Today I found out #FlightRadar24 has a Santa easter egg! https://www.flightradar24.com/R3DN053/
big city nights -
#pixelart #ドット絵 #pixel #night #retro #retroaesthetic #retrogaming #pixelartwork #btN #newc45tle #16bit #Videogame #artwork #gamedev #16bitart #city #games #music #eastereggs #nerds #films #afx #aphextwin #future #fantasy #scifi #scifiart #silenthill #retroscifi #2024 @pixakiapp
For today's #ArtAdventCalendar we're going back to April 2023 and it's another joint project with @danielledoesdata as we get in touch with my Slavic roots via some egg dyeing. This collection was done with dyes made from blueberries, red cabbage, red wine, and onion skins. I've also tried turmeric, beets, and carrots, but those are more finicky, harder to get vibrant colors from.
Baut ihr eigentlich kleine #eastereggs in eure Infrastruktur? Bei mir gibt’s bisher:
- An Weihnachten ein Wallpaper per GPO mit Weihnachtsgrüßen
- Am 24.12 VLC Autostart bei Nutzeranmeldung der Last Christmas spielt
- Bookstack Fußzeile ein Link „Neugierig?“ der zu unserem PLZ Bereich bei Lieferando führt
- Alte filebasierte Wissensdatenbank heißt Alexandria
- Fullscreen Message um 18 Uhr mit der Erinnerung heim zu gehen
- diverse lustige Log Nachrichten in allen möglichen Skripten
Silent Hill 2 Remake svela l'Easter Egg che i fan attendevano da un decennio!
#SilentHill2 #EasterEggs
2/2 mixed in with all of this myth and some figures from historical (our modern) media horror creatures like the Slenderman or antagonist figures like Sephiroth, see Wikipedia links at the end.
The greyman are often described as being seductive, which is a result of the Bethosians being thrown in because their abilities to have sexual intercourse with other species with relative ease fuels a lot of fantasies throughout galactic society, manipulative, benevolent, mischievous, dangerous or even helpful. Thanks to the galaxy wide version of the Internet or the Neural interface network this stories spread and mutate incredibly fast.
Since AJ draws so heavily on this myth of the greyman it's easy to understand why people start talking about the Greyman that saved them or sacrificed their colonie.
#PennedPossibilities 458. #StarRyde #writing #SciFj #WIP #Monsters #AJ #Greyman #Eastereggs #worldbuilfin #myth #stories
458. Are there stories (within your novel) about said monsters or creatures? (Refer to Prompt 457.)
There are a lot of stories of a lot of creatures especially AJ draws, not knowingly, heavily from the in universe myth of the Greyman for their self presentation.
Grey little humanoid Aliens exist in the story of every sentient species an well in the middle of the Union with the grey skinned Bethos(ians) it's unclear if their species has anything to to with said stories.
The Intergalactic SCP foundation and the Templin Institute for interspecies Anthropology (thats the Terran names translated into our time) are fighting over this topic for a long period now.
The modern variant mixed in all kind of sources and is an amalgamation of different myths, stories etc similar to our modern understanding of the Earth mother movements in history. It's currently visuals are a result of Bethosian traits
#PennedPossibilities 458. #StarRyde #writing #SciFj #WIP #Monsters #AJ #Greyman #Eastereggs
There are tons of subtle bits of humor throughout "Shaun of the Dead." So many that we've probably missed 90% of them.
This one's great. Shaun tells his girlfriend he's gonna take her to "the place that does all the fish." Then he flips to the listing in the phone book, and their tagline is exactly that.
If you haven't seen the film, you've waited long enough. It's a classic:
In Droian, our serious mechanics and bosses are balanced by derpy easter eggs!
What silly easter eggs would you like to see in the game? Let us know!
#photooftheday These are traditional painted #eastereggs from Poland called #pisanki.
Some are ones my Grandmother brought back for me as a little kid, others I bought myself later.
They can be blown eggshells, or made of painted wood.
Many East European countries have this tradition, and similar names for them (eg in Ukraine they are known as #pisanky).
They are often decorated in styles unique to the region.
We're still on Easter mood, so let's find this #EasterBunny Giò struggling with the "production" of eggs ;) :)
[BREAKING NEWS] An AMIGA demo programmer was seen outside the REVISION 2024 hall. He was exhibiting quite strange behavior.
Been painting British birds on hard boiled Easter eggs this morning. Male Bullfinch, Robin and Bluetit.
Siamo sicuri che il primo Ester Egg della storia sia quello di Warren Robinett che aveva firmato in una stanza segreta il gioco Adventure per Atari 2600? Forse se andiamo indietro nel tempo al 1973... #retrogaming #retrocomputing #eastereggs #atari2600 #adventure
5. La Pasqua calcistica durante la Grande guerra.
La Pasqua al tempo del football dei pionieri. Terminiamo il viaggio nei giorni “santi” del football dei pionieri, durante i durissimi anni della Grande guerra.
Buona Santa Pasqua a tutti!
#storia #calcio #unocalcio #unosport #sport #pasqua #pasqua2024 #football #storiadelcalcio #ww1 #caporetto #juventus #milan #inter #genoa #EasterEggs