Taschen sind ein Problem. In der Tat!
Spaß beiseite:
Ich schrieb vorhin auch über "die andere Seite":
Im Grunde mag ich es gar nicht, immer mehr Frauen mit #Hijab zu sehen und ich traue der angeblich "selbstbestimmten Entscheidung" meist auch nicht wirklich.
Trotzdem stehe ich für das Recht jeder Frau ein, ihn zu tragen und wer einer blöd kommt, kriegt es mit mir zu tun.
So a cleric harasses an #Iranian #woman at an airport in #Iran for not wearing a #hijab
So she snatches off his turban, and turns it into a headscarf!
"What's wrong with this? What's wrong with this? Tell me!
Oh, Iranian men, I s*** in your honor. That’s it, that’s it, I want this"
Fuck you Iran and your #Gender #Apartheid
#WomenLifeFreedom #WomensRights #Women #HumanRights #Oppression #Resistance
UPDATE: #Iran's Women Face Long-Term Prison Sentences Over New #Hijab Laws (Deepa Parent)
(h/t Guardian)
#IranHumanRights #WomanLifeFreedom #ParastooAhmadi
You are a very talented singer and are not allowed to perform in public without hijab.
So what do you do?
You organise a concert WITHOUT any public, you record it, and you publish it on YouTube.
And you get arrested.
- - -
Show your support by enjoying Parastoo Ahmadi's voice.
I would love to know the lyrics of these beautiful songs.
#Iran #ParastooAhmadi #Brave #Bravery #Hijab
'#Iranian #singer #ParastooAhmadi arrested after performing concert without #hijab
#women are not free to #sing publicly in #Iran
"I want to sing for the people I love. This is a right that I could not ignore; singing for the land that I love dearly."
Ahmadi performed without an audience but broadcast the concert live on her #YouTube channel'
I usually hate this phrase but, in this case, please-
like and subscribe:
The Mullahs will NEVER EVER win !
These girls have no fear of their authoritarian regime !
Fuck the Mullahs!
this is Parastoo Ahmadi, an Iranian singer who dared to do this stunning performance in Iranian caravanserai on Wednesday – breaking the mandatory hijab law & law that forbids female singers to sing unless it's for female audience only
next day, her house was raided.
be like Iranian women. support them and their courage.
because they're much braver than many men. and certainly than plenty of "progressives".
Per il governo di transizione in #Siria #Jolani sceglie Muhammad #Bashir, e non l'esiliato ex premier siriano Riad #Hijab o l'attuale primo ministro Muhammad #Jalali.
Lo riferisce la tv al Jazira.
Muhammad Bashir da anni amministra nel nord-ovest siriano le aree sotto controllo di Hayat Tahrir ash Sham (#Hts), guidata da Abu Muhammad Jolani (Ahmad Sharaa). La scelta di Muhammad Bashir sarebbe stata imposta, afferma la tv, dallo stesso Jolani.
L'#hijab è sicuramente una sua scelta.
La studentessa che all’inizio di novembre si era spogliata nel cortile dell’Università di Teheran è stata rilasciata senza accuse: era ricoverata in un ospedale psichiatrico.
Identificata da alcuni come #Ahoo #Daryaei, una studentessa trentenne che sta facendo un dottorato, la giovane all'inizio di novembre era stata redarguita perché non indossava correttamente l'#hijab mentre si trovava all'Università #Azad di Teheran.
continua su: https://www.fanpage.it/esteri/iran-rilasciata-senza-accuse-la-studentessa-che-si-spoglio-alluniversita-di-teheran/
The Iranian state plans to open a treatment clinic for women who defy the mandatory hijab laws that require women to cover their heads in public. Anonymous young woman said: “It won’t be a clinic, it will be a prison. We are struggling to make ends meet & have power outages, but a piece of cloth is what this state is worried about. If there was a time for all of us to come back to the streets, it’s now or they’ll lock us all up.”
In #iran a woman who was accosted by the “morality police” for not wearing #hijab removes her clothing & roams the streets in defiance. She has since been arrested by #IRGCTerrorists forces and forcibly disappeared. I hate the Islamic republic.
I'm not content warning this, it's just a #woman in her underwear. Also, that would be irony
This is #Tehran’s Islamic Azad University on Nov 2
She was assaulted by #Iran's #morality #police because her #hijab was "improper"
So she just stripped
She was arrested and I don't think it will go well for her. Iran's weak, insecure, moronic hangups over #women's clothing is vicious cruel and violent. They kill women for showing their hair. It's all so fucking stupid
#Hijab #bans in #sports ‘#discriminatory’: #UN #experts
#Muslim #women and #girls in #France who wear the #hijab must have #equal #rights to #participate in #cultural and #sporting #life,’ UN experts say.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #EuropeanUnion #France #Entertainment #Sports #Hate #Bigotry #Discrimination #Islamaphobia