How Generative A.I. Complements the #MAGA Style
Online #Trump supporters have embraced a unique form of #irony that is hard to parse — and easy to deploy with new technologies.
#ai #genai #generativeai #politics
The #irony that most people forget is that Nikola Tesla was a freaking genius, and Elon Musk is just a nepo-trust-fund baby with more money than sense.
#ShortBreak #shorts #humor #irony #sarcasm #trump #musk #hostiletakeover #fightingmoms #kendahllandreth
Well... erm ... yes: LET'S STAY AND LET'S FIGHT!
Wife shouts "We're late!".
Dentists on phone cancel their appointment with me today at the same time.
Best birthday gift ever!
#dentists #humor #humour #irony #ItsMyBirthdayIllJokeIfIWantTo
Hello mr #Trump,
Congratulations with your new #Tesla.
We wish you a pleasant drive.
#uspol #irony
For once I am agreeing with #trump.
He said he would paint the USA red, he kept his word
#irony (or is it?)
On the other hand, if you told me in 2000 that someday Iefty and liberal Americans would be vandalizing electric cars and demanding a return to NAFTA, I would also be surprised.
Ah, the TAKE IT DOWN #Act, a hero without a cape, bravely attempting to "protect" #victims by bringing the world... wait for it... censorship!
Who knew safeguarding could be so ironically oppressive? #TAKEITDOWN #censorship #irony #protect #freedomofspeech #satire #HackerNews #ngated
#Trump wants to expel #Canada from the #FiveEyes network #Irony: now Canada won't help the U.S. with underhanded #spying in #LatinAmerica my take from 2014 here
#ShortBreak #shorts #trump #musk #hostiletakeover #JimmyFallon #humor #sarcasm #irony #music #poem
I can't stand Jimmy, but his poem is highly accurate
#JuliaHub perfectly imitates #republicans
#warning this is #fun #comedy using #irony she does not mean it X-D
#healthensurance is for #poor people
Oh great, another "revolutionary" tool for #Pythonistas who can't read their own spaghetti code! Let's cheer for Tach, the pip-installable savior that promises to untangle your disastrous #Dependencies while being "interoperable" and written in #Rust, because clearly Python wasn't enough.
Maybe next, they'll develop a tool to help you find your misplaced sense of #Irony. #Tools #Interoperability #SpaghettiCode #HackerNews #ngated