'Dinge die mit "X" beginnen oder so aussehen ...'
Nahaufnahme einer winzigen Flechte: Xanthoria (polycarpa?).
Die Fruchtkörper sind millimeter-klein.
Cuban Green Anole, Playa Ancon, #Cuba. While photographing on this peninsula, it was very hot and humid, and I couldn't find anywhere selling water, or any water fountains, so I decided to venture out without water (something I will never do again). When I returned to the village of Playa Ancon, at the base of the peninsula, I found a vendor selling orange sodas and downed three in a few minutes. One of my best memories of quenching thirst. #macrophotography
I've never seen these wasp/hornet nests up close before, but I don't think I realized how fibrous its construction was. I sort of assumed it'd just be chewed up pulp mashed together, but you can really see distinct plant fiber strands in this one
It's been freaking out my family, so I'll probably toss it out now that I feel like I've documented it properly
Welp, Seoul is having its famous late winter bad AQI days, so today is... indoor macro photography day!
I found this abandoned wasp or hornet nest built up against our porch window. It popped right off. I'd tried to do a photogrammetry project with it, but it didn't cooperate. So close up macro shots are the next best thing.
If the species seems obvious to you, let me know for sure
The joy of photography is having infinite subjects. The tragedy of photography is not having enough time to photograph them all. This is from two yrs ago. Definitely need make some time to look for more jumping spider's in my garden this year.