4 out of 4 tracks for my OS9 EP are done (aside from minor tweaks and mastering) #MARCHintosh #SuperCollider #LiveCoding #Algorave #MacOS9 #RetroComputing
4 out of 4 tracks for my OS9 EP are done (aside from minor tweaks and mastering) #MARCHintosh #SuperCollider #LiveCoding #Algorave #MacOS9 #RetroComputing
O, hi, we wrote a new blog post!
If you want to turn a Raspberry Pi or Linux computer into a music instrument or an installation piece, then you need to consider how to start your software when power is turned on. This is surprisingly hard, but we've made it a bit easier with a small guide with tips and tricks and an example of booting directly into a #SuperCollider program once powered on.
#linux #raspberrypi #musicproduction #supercollider #puredata
The Lake Radio is playing all 12 hours of Empty Lake today (Thursday the 6th of March) from 12:00AM CET.
TUNE IN: https://thelakeradio.com/
Thanks to Sound Art Lab and Koda Kultur.
Now on StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/79484276/supercollider-inheritance
What the fuck, #SuperCollider???
root = MooRoot(this, "Jason");
*new { |moo, name|
^super.new.init(moo, name);
init {|moo, name|
"MooRoot init".postln;
MooRoot init
How did "Jason" get nilled out between *new and init?????
I couldn't resist using the very last minutes of #FAWM for another short #livecoding session. https://davbot.media/w/hUvcoUtHLnbr3c4pWTZH2T #supercollider #ambient
I ... made noise. https://write.fawm.org/songs/316719 #SuperCollider #noise
(Borrowing some approaches from @ho )
Hi all
Any suggestion for a Peertube instance?
I'm interested in sharing videos about live coding for music and sound generation.
@toplap ?
Hi! I'm Mickey.
I make computer/noise music, mostly with friends, occasionally solo.
Mainly using SuperCollider and other free software.
I serve on the board of a housing co-op/collective music/art space called The Firehouse in Worcester, MA USA.
I host a bi-weekly freeform radio show on WCUW 91.3 FM called Music Under the Moon.
I work as a public librarian in a small city in MA, where I host a weekly all-ages chess club.
Nice to meet you!
I recorded some #LiveCoding in #SuperCollider using a sample from my #ATBase synth. https://davbot.media/w/4NRxXqG5X2p4sgsXESVuiT #video #drone
I did a xenharmony. https://davbot.media/w/pBuGKEYzpC1MLZDZ2anvJS #SuperCollider
Meantime the latest monthly #Shfl newsletter is out, with guides from #NatePatrin and @kodakghostpoem plus reviews from @joemuggs, #JeffTreppel, #HankShteamer, #ChrisCatchpole...and yours truly! In my case, talking about the latest album by the #LegendaryPinkDots plus the two albums by the still very underrated #Supercollider #music https://news.theshfl.com/p/new-on-shfl-february-2025
I made a piece with samples. It's mostly cat purrs. https://write.fawm.org/songs/311410 It also has ambisonics (I still have only touched the surface of a very deep ocean), and I did all the postprocessing in ffmpeg.
Greetings sound traveller
Need to normalize thousands of audio files ? Maybe just quickly concert something to 16 bit, 44.1khz? Or record a quick bit... And so much more... All from the command line ? SoX is your friend. A free command line tool for audio manipulation. Honestly, the GOAT of #terminal based audio programs. We have a guide to get you started.
#sox #linux #unix #bash #supercollider #foss #opensource #audio
@hyalinesystems Among other things, it now includes a section on how to use SoX within #SuperCollider to batch process audio files from that environment.
Play around with #SuperCollider via cl-supercollider today. Learning SuperCollider has been something I've always put off due to the assumption that it's hard. But actually, it's what I've been looking for!