VideogameClub - June 2024 - Firewatch
Time to start a thread on Mastodon and Lemmy to write my impressions for this month's pick from the Videogame Club.
A few words about the game before starting: Firewatch is a story-driven adventure game from 2016, set in the wilderness of Wyoming, with beautiful and atmospheric visuals.
@thegamerstavern @the_gamer_tavern This is one of those games that for some reason left a very strong positive impression, and a game I think about pretty often even after all these years. The reason? could be the immersive atmosphere
@akmur @the_gamer_tavern so far I only got to day 2 but I must admit that you're absolutely right: this game started with an amazing atmosphere.
Being a hiking/trekking nerd myself, I may be biased in my liking of the game tho
@thegamerstavern @the_gamer_tavern in not a hiker but I still love it :)