Devlog - día 4
Day of the tentacle tenía una maravillosa banda sonora... en gameboy hago lo que puedo... No me juzguéis
Devlog - día 4
Day of the tentacle tenía una maravillosa banda sonora... en gameboy hago lo que puedo... No me juzguéis
Beatscribe is back at it again to teach you more about SFX in Furnace Tracker. You'll be turning a humdrum boing... into a mighty BROING!!
#gameboy #gbstudio #gamedev
Devlog - Día 2
Sigo avanzando en esta locura pixelada. Ya se han redibujado varias escenas para adaptarlas al estilo de Game Boy Color, manteniendo la esencia pero con ese toque de 8 bits crujientes.
También he empezado a diseñar el menú y los iconos de la interfaz. Todo debe ser claro, funcional y, sobre todo, absurdamente retro. Si en algún momento os recuerda a las interfaces de las aventuras gráficas clásicas, es pura coincidencia… o no.
Poco a poco esto va tomando forma. Pronto más avances.
Hola personas que vivís en mi móvil!!!
Estoy haciendo un juego para Game Boy Color inspirado en Day of the Tentacle, pero que NO es Day of the Tentacle. Es un experimento, un reto, una locura pixelada.
Antes de nada, quiero pedir perdón a LucasArts, a Tim Schafer, Dave Grossman, Ron Gilbert y a todo el equipo que trabajó en la obra maestra original. Esto no es un remake, ni una adaptación oficial, ni una secuela. Es solo un proyecto sin ánimo de lucro, hecho por pura satisfacción personal, para ver si es posible crear una aventura gráfica de este estilo en una Game Boy Color.
Se están redibujando todos los escenarios y sprites en LibreSprite, y el juego se está desarrollando en GB Studio. Habrá puzzles, diálogos absurdos y una historia completamente nueva, pero con guiños para los fans.
Pronto mostraré avances. Si os gusta la idea, rezad a la diosa del pixel art o sacrificad un cartucho de Pokémon Amarillo en mi honor y dejadme un comentario para saber que no estoy solo en esto.
Ever lost an entire nights amount of work? Maybe even a weekends worth? Well Pearacidic's going to show you how using GitHub desktop can save you from that nightmare scenario!
#gameboy #gbstudio #gamedev
Merry #ScreenshotSaturday! The overworld for #TaiFab 2 (my #GBC #nonogram puzzle/exploration game) is implemented! And here's a @pixel_dailies entry for #CharacterCreator as well~ One of the chill lofi gameboy remixes playing on actual ROM from the LoFi Gameboy chill series, now available on Cassette as well!
#tapes #cassette #lofi #chillhop #lofigirl #gameboy #chiptune #studymusic #gamemusic #gbdk #gbstudiocentral #gbstudio
The Scanline FX plugin by gud_graphics is scarily easy to use! How would you use it in your game?
Grab the plugin in the link below!
Just published a new version of the GB Studio Font tools: added all features requested (no more formatting with spaces!) and fixed the issues on Mac:
Happy Tuesday @pixel_dailies enjoyers! Here is a compilation of #aquatic #animals from my Dailies archive
I've been busy overhauling the puzzle engine for #TaiFab 2 (my current #GBStudio project), and I'm happy with the results so far
It's tricky to know where to even begin when you start learning GB Studio, but have no fear because we have a new series to help with that!
With Chapter 1 of GB Studio - Getting Started with Games, you'll learn the ropes in no time.
#gameboy #gbstudio #gamedev
I majorly overhauled my world map and palette since the last #ScreenshotSaturday, and #TaiFab 2 (my exploration #nonogram game) is really coming along!
Theme: #scale
Lots of #GameBoy games featured in this issue of BrewOtaku
NEW EPISODE: The Game Club takes on Inspector Waffles: Early Days for the Game Boy Color. Can the gang solve the mystery of just how many cat puns three grown men can handle, or will it be a cat-astrophe? Find out at the link below or wherever you get podcasts!
Still need to play it? Get the demo + full version here:
Need a physical copy? Grab an authentic GBC cartridge here:
Triggers are a key tool in GB Studio, and can be used for many different mechanic. Explore Advanced Trigger Techniques in our latest article:
Romusage now runs in your browser too.
(local only, so no files leave your computer)
#GameBoy #GBDK #rgbds #gbstudio #retrodev
Previous release and more info:
More 192 8x8 unique tiles or less practice...
Images are licensed as CC BY-NC-ND
See more at...
Tilemap Helper...
#gamedev #gameboy #graphics #retrogaming #retro #pixelart #gbstudio
All my Gameboy asset packs are on sale for the rest of the month. Or buy them all at bundle price to save over 40%! #gbstudio #gbdev #gbdk #gameboy #8bit #chiptune #chipmusic #godot #rpgmaker #gamemaker #nintendo #unity #rgbds
The saga of learning GB Studio continues! I've been having a blast getting familiar with the system and tinkering around with level design and custom sprites.
I decided to pull the trigger on signing up for the GB Studio Magazine Patreon and wow am I glad I did. There are 5 issues out already and they are packed with useful tips and articles. Highly recommend it to anyone learning GB Studio.
@ramon_wilhelm entwickelt lustige #pointandclick Adventurespiele. Insbesondere die mit den Kobolden finde ich sehr gelungen und lustig . Ich habe deshalb eine Art "Fan"-Animation dazu in meinem eigenen Grafikstil dazu "gebastelt". Mein eigener Spielcharakter entdeckt ein Bild der Kobolde...
Sind noch weitere Koboldabenteuer für die Zukunft geplant @ramon_wilhelm ?