Tried really hard to complete Soulstice, but the combination of camera movement, battle speed and me constantly hitting the wrong color for Lute just doesn't work out.
Tried really hard to complete Soulstice, but the combination of camera movement, battle speed and me constantly hitting the wrong color for Lute just doesn't work out.
I really like the game #Soulstice, Lute is just the most adorable little spectre, and the game makes me rage so much sometimes that I'm afraid to play it on the SteamDeck. Instead, I use an el cheapo controller that is easily replacable.
One Ragequit, uninstall and reinstall later, I learned that I was only one upgrade for Lute away from finishing that stupid bow-boss in Chapter 5.
Okay, so after Pacific Drive I now tackle something I've had on my WL for a while, then got in the last HB: #Soulstice
I've got close to two hours in and it's fun, real good fun. Feels a bit soulsy from the setting and presentation, while being fast paced combat intertwined with low-key exploration and puzzles.
BUT! There's alway a but: What's with the camera? WHY with the camera? Why only let me swing the camera 10 degrees left and right while janking it around every corne?
March 11, 2024 - Day 436 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 471
Game: Soulstice
Platform: Steam
Released: Sep 20, 2022
Installed: Mar 11, 2024
Unplayed: 0d
Playtime: 28m
Soulstice is game six in the March Humble Choice Bundle.
It's a third-person fixed-path hack-and-slash adventure game, with a design aesthetic that I really like, a night-time post-apocalyptic fantasy steampunk mashup.
However, the biggest letdown is the semi-fixed camera, which makes this gorgeous game deeply frustrating to try and navigate.
What's worse is that the game allows you to unlock the camera during the intermittent NPC battles, which makes the design choice to leave it locked at other times all the more mystifying.
With four out of eight games in the bundle out of the way, this bundle isn't batting well.
The teeth-grindingly frustrating camera drags Soulstice down from what was potentially "good" to:
3: OK
Soulstice in regalo su Epic Games Store
Fino al 5 Ottobre puoi avere gratis su Epic Games Store il gioco di azione Soulstice
#adventure #EpicGames #games #giochi #gratis #hackandslash #soulstice #videogames @Reply_ITA
Mi fa uno strano effetto leggere tutti questi nomi così… italioti… alla fine di un videogioco… bel lavoro.
@emaleo mi spiace tanto, non ti abbattere perché non ha senso star male per chi non se lo merita.
Io nel mio piccolo cerco sempre di fare cambiare questa mentalità anche al di fuori del videogioco ma è comunque difficile.
Comunque sia non so cosa tu abbia apportato al progetto #Soulstice ma complimenti a voi e a tutto il team, perché avete dato vita a un qualcosa di cui essere orgogliosi.
Parlando di #Soulstice, ieri mi è capitato sotto occhio quello che mi da più fastidio del popolo italico... vedo sotto a video e recensioni italiane più della metà dei commenti che sono di insulti. video e recensioni straniere e sono quasi tutti commenti entusiastici…tristezza..
Si parte, curiosissimo di vedere un action del genere Made in Italy #soulstice #madeinitaly #madeinitaly #ps5 #xboxseriess #xboxseriesx Un misto fra Berserk e Claymore. Pare proprio interessante! #soulstice