Stage Fiend, new free game for #Atari2600 console. Download: Gameplay: #atari
Stage Fiend, new free game for #Atari2600 console. Download: Gameplay: #atari
Keyboard interface for #Atari2600 console #atari #retrocomputing
Do you remember the tuned Atari I bought for $10 bucks? I took out the guts, reused the chips and two switches in a nice motherboard, and replaced the front plate. Some holes remain, and I've ideas to cover these #retro #Atari #atari2600
Yesterday I joyned the #AvantgardeGamingDay in Frankfurt.
I had my #Atari7800+ hooked up and presented some new games like #ARTI
On a very quick test run we could see the a flaschcard for #Atari2600/7800 based on a #Pico10400 could start #Ballblazer on the 7800+
You have to select the game on a real 7800 and then plug the cartridge into a 2600+/7800+ as the menu is not accessible on the new machines.
This works due to a rechargeable battery on it. Not very much convenient but it should not replace my hundreds of cartridges anyway. I just want to play(!) sometimes a single game which is not available on cart
I guess not all roms will work and I will report more about my testing as I love the idea behind it
The Frob was an #Atari2600 #gamedev system running on #Apple2.
Frobco published source code for their tools, because it was expected that users would write their own, such as this player editor I whipped up, which uses bi-directional comms to send data entered at the computer to a program running on the VCS.
The Frob - A Connoisseur's Guide - was the technical reference manual for the Frob, an #Atari2600 #GameDev system that ran on the Apple II.
A copy is now at the Internet Archive for public use:
Unnamed space shooter work in progress game for #Atari2600 console #atari
Another Atari development system, FROB-26 + Apple II #atari2600 #atari #retrocomputing
in which I embark on an atmospheric text adventure from Dan Kitchen's early days, Crystal Caverns
(Dan Kitchen went on to be one of the original Activision programmers with games like Ghostbusters and River Raid II)
includes some early history of electronic LCD games
The Frob was an #Atari2600 #Gamedev system for an #Apple2.
It did not provide an assembler. You had to. Worst case? Hand-assemble, and use the Apple Monitor to put the code into Frob RAM, using register $C090 to control memory page, and host/target access.
The Frob was an #Atari2600 #Gamedev system for an #Apple2.
ATARI did not document the 2600. Besides the code in the manual, You had to reverse engineer other games to learn how things worked, seen here using Apple2 monitor.
Now available firmware v2.0.1.3 for Atari 2600+ console with new simplified update tool #atari2600 #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
Sinerunner #Atari2600 new game inspired Thomas Jentzsch to greatly improve resolution of the sine waves #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
Located at the Seattle airport, Sky Gamerz is a bar where visitors can enjoy eating while having access to an array of Atari 2600+ consoles for gaming. @atari #atari #retrogames #retrogaming #atari2600
Rightris, Drone Attack, Fighttris, Jet Propulsion, Sea Control and Wood of Despair, new #Atari2600 games coded in two months with batariBasic #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
Lode Runner está disponible en cartucho para Atari 2600/2600+/7800/7800+ desde Un clásico disponible en tu consola favorita #atari #atari2600 #atari7800 #retrogaming
Recogido de un contenedor de basura cerca de casa hace un par de años, este #clon de #AtariVCS o #Atari2600 cobró vida gracias a la ayuda de Valentín Basel y será utilizado como material didáctico de la materia de Organización del Computador donde èl enseña. Sus 128 bytes de RAM permiten estudiar conceptos fundamentales de un solo vistazo. #Pitfall #EnseñanzaDeLaComputación.
Early #Activision truly was a great company! Ice Hockey is a fine example of how to make a good game in spite of limited resources.