Unnamed space shooter work in progress game for #Atari2600 console https://forums.atariage.com/topic/380079-unnamed-space-shooter-game-for-atari-2600-in-development/ #atari
Another Atari development system, FROB-26 + Apple II https://youtu.be/IAefPk7WgJk #atari2600 #atari #retrocomputing
in which I embark on an atmospheric text adventure from Dan Kitchen's early days, Crystal Caverns
(Dan Kitchen went on to be one of the original Activision programmers with games like Ghostbusters and River Raid II)
includes some early history of electronic LCD games
The Frob was an #Atari2600 #Gamedev system for an #Apple2.
It did not provide an assembler. You had to. Worst case? Hand-assemble, and use the Apple Monitor to put the code into Frob RAM, using register $C090 to control memory page, and host/target access.
The Frob was an #Atari2600 #Gamedev system for an #Apple2.
ATARI did not document the 2600. Besides the code in the manual, You had to reverse engineer other games to learn how things worked, seen here using Apple2 monitor.
Now available firmware v2.0.1.3 for Atari 2600+ console with new simplified update tool https://forums.atariage.com/topic/361600-beta-2600-firmware-and-dumper-builds/ #atari2600 #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
Sinerunner #Atari2600 new game inspired Thomas Jentzsch to greatly improve resolution of the sine waves https://forums.atariage.com/blogs/entry/19366-sinerunner-v2-demo/ #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
Located at the Seattle airport, Sky Gamerz is a bar where visitors can enjoy eating while having access to an array of Atari 2600+ consoles for gaming. https://youtu.be/VxApjzslhvw @atari #atari #retrogames #retrogaming #atari2600
Rightris, Drone Attack, Fighttris, Jet Propulsion, Sea Control and Wood of Despair, new #Atari2600 games coded in two months with batariBasic https://artefacto.itch.io/ #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
Lode Runner está disponible en cartucho para Atari 2600/2600+/7800/7800+ desde https://store.atariage.com/products/lode-runner-atari-2600 Un clásico disponible en tu consola favorita #atari #atari2600 #atari7800 #retrogaming
Recogido de un contenedor de basura cerca de casa hace un par de años, este #clon de #AtariVCS o #Atari2600 cobró vida gracias a la ayuda de Valentín Basel y será utilizado como material didáctico de la materia de Organización del Computador donde èl enseña. Sus 128 bytes de RAM permiten estudiar conceptos fundamentales de un solo vistazo. #Pitfall #EnseñanzaDeLaComputación.
Early #Activision truly was a great company! Ice Hockey is a fine example of how to make a good game in spite of limited resources.
Rightris es una adaptación de Tetris para la Atari que está disponible en https://artefacto.itch.io/rightris #Atari2600 #tetris #atari #retrogaming
En Caverns of Mars es el año 4014 y la Tierra y Marte están enfrentados en una guerra brutal. Los marcianos han ideado una estrategia para poner fin al conflicto destruyendo el planeta Terra IV de la Tierra con su aterradora NegaBomb.
Más en https://pulsaunatecla.blog/2025/02/28/caverns-of-mars/ #Atari2600 #retrogaming #videojuegos
Yeet Fighter and Mechs Again Stand Off (work in progress), new games for #Atari2600 console https://youtu.be/Fw7TJxYxCcE #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
Simon Says Atari Touch Me, work in progress game for #Atari2600 console https://forums.atariage.com/topic/379717-simonsaystouchme-ai-is-active/ #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
Ring Raiders, new game for #Atari2600 console https://youtu.be/ElsgdruceOE #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
Thomas Harte's Clock Signal is an emulator for various 8- and 16-bit platforms aiming to be invisible to the user. The idea is to simply start the source medium without configuring the emulator oneself. Clock Signal is available for Mac OS and Unix-compatible systems. Now version 2025-02-26 has been released: