And after all the loves of my life
After all the loves of my life,
You'll still be the one (8)
And after all the loves of my life
After all the loves of my life,
You'll still be the one (8)
Después de 36 años, Beetlejuice regresa para desatar su propio caos.
#BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice llega el 6 de diciembre #DelCineAMax .
#MaxLA #Beetlejuice #WarnerBros
#MichaelKeaton #WinonaRider
#JennaOrtega #TimBurton #MaxES
#StreamMaxLA #StreamMaxES #Beetlejuice2 #Comedia #Terror
It beat my expectations So nice to see Winona Ryder
Suggested better half and I were to go and watch #beetlejuice2
Found out my wife has never even seen the 1988 #beetlejuice (because of extremely protective parents)
So I showed wife and kids the trailer.
Now the eldest two are constantly summoning Beetlejuice while youngest is running around in her black-and-white sweater pretending to be a 6yo Michaela Keaton
New Movie Review! Beetlejuice 2
The ghost with the most is back! Check out my review of Beetlejuice 2 and see if this long-awaited sequel lives up to the original's spooky charm!
Watch here:
Guess I was busy or distracted yesterday . . .
Had to scroll back a full 24 hrs to get back up to speed here on this morning.
Actually, I had a "date" yesterday and went to see #BeetleJuice2 at the #GrandLakeTheater in #Oakland.
The Grand Lake is a great old movie theater, like the Castro. Not too many of them left these days.
Never been there before and wanted to see it. The movie was being shown on the main screen which thankfully they didn't remove.
As for the movie, I was pleasantly surprised bc I thought it was as good as the original.
They made a pretty seamless transition from BJ1 to BJ2 in terms of the characters, sets & plot but added enough new stuff to make it interesting. The "special effects" were also vastly improved over BJ1.
I highly recommend it.
It's not essential but it will help to get the nods to BJ1 if you watch BJ1 b4 watching BJ2, even if you've seen BJ1 before.
Went to see the Deetz family last night.
Double “Prince Hans” moments… dead or alive, we can’t trust men!
And Tim Burton’s controversy continues… that soul train scene, selective diversity à la Burton
I liked the ‘Mortgage’ backwards joke, though.
Ranking Tim Burton/Michael Keaton Films 1-5. (#Link Below)
#movies #movie
#beetlejuicebeetlejuice #beetlejuice #beetlejuice2 #timburton #michaelkeaton #writing #writer #writingCommunity #writers #Movies #movie #cinema #cinemastodon #Film #films #filmmastodon #article #listicle #list #read #reading
Leia nossa crítica de Os Fantasmas Ainda se Divertem: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.
#jennaortega #warner #cinema #crítica #review #michaelkeaton #winonaryder #beetlejuice2
Settembre, è il momento di ricominciare.
Kim, presente alle varie proiezioni del Festival del Cinema di Venezia, ci delizia con la sua personale recensione di Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, ultima opera di Tim Burton.
Nell'articolo è presente qualche minimo spoiler.
#BeetleJuice2 recibe ovación de 4 minutos en su premiere en #venezia81 En cines el 6 de septiembre
#xarliclub #movie #movies #film #films #cine #Cinema #BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice #BeetlejuiceMovie #Beetlejuice2IlFilm #Beetlejuice #beetlejuicexsopitas
NEW EPISODE! It’s Best “Beetlejuice” Quote! Just in time for “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” release NEXT WEEK, we look back at the original 1988 film and reenact and discuss our favorite lines from the script. Will your favorite quotes make the cut?
Find us wherever you listen to podcasts. Don’t forget to click subscribe so you don’t miss any upcoming episodes!
𝗙𝗶𝗹𝗺𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹 𝘃𝗮𝗻 𝗩𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗶ë 𝗯𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗻𝘁 𝗺𝗲𝘁 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗱𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗶è𝗿𝗲 𝗕𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗹𝗲𝗷𝘂𝗶𝗰𝗲 2
De 81e editie van het filmfestival van Venetië gaat woensdag van start. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is de openingsfilm van het festival, dat tot en met 7 september duurt. Het vervolg op de originele Beetlejuice-film uit 1988 beleeft in Venetië zijn wereldpremière.
Espíritos e Estilos: Novos Cartazes de Beetlejuice 2 Preparam o Retorno do Espírito Zombeteiro #beetlejuice2 #cartazesinéditos #catherineohara #cinema #estreia #jennaortega #michaelkeaton #osfantasmasaindasedivertem #setembro #timburton #winonaryder
Beetlejuice 2: è online il nuovo trailer del film di Tim Burton. Lo Spiritello Porcello sta tornando ! Dopo 36 anni, Tim Burton riporta sul grande schermo l'irriverente bio-esorcista interpretato da Michael Keaton.
New trailer for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice has dropped and let me tell tells me nothing, except that the cast is back and that Michael Keaton is going to be so much fun as Beetlejuice again.
You can check it out on YouTube here:
Winona Ryder Rocks a Familiar Look in Set Photos from ‘Beetlejuice 2’
It took 35 years to get it off the ground but production on the sequel to the 1988 cult classic Beetlejuice is underway. Director Tim Burton is returning to the world of The Ghost with the Most for the sequel, reuniting with stars Michael Keaton, the lovely Catherine O'
Willem Dafoe Joins Jenna Ortega in ‘Beetlejuice’ Sequel
Tim Burton is set on bringing a classic franchise back to the silver screen with his work on a Beetlejuice sequel. The cast has been growing quite a bit as of late, as the film has already started production. It's unclear if the script was finished in adva