FLUENCE ENERGY SHAREHOLDER ALERT: CLAIMSFILER REMINDS https://www.byteseu.com/825157/ #ClassAction #Energy #LEGAL #llc #SkyMedia
FLUENCE ENERGY SHAREHOLDER ALERT: CLAIMSFILER REMINDS https://www.byteseu.com/825157/ #ClassAction #Energy #LEGAL #llc #SkyMedia
“Class action lawsuit against California Congress members over Gaza genocide goes international”
by Lois Pearlman
“One northern California activist’s idea of bringing a class action lawsuit against their local congressperson over support for the Gaza genocide has become a nationwide movement”
Integral Ad Science Holding Corp. Sued for Securities Law https://www.byteseu.com/798732/ #ClassAction #Levi&Korsinsky #LLP #Science
Apple vince causa iCloud: nessun monopolio sui 5GB gratuiti
#Antitrust #Apple #Backup #CausaLegale #ClassAction #Cloud #iCloud #Monopolio #Notizie #SpazioDiArchiviazione #StatiUniti #TechNews #Tecnologia #USA
@ProPublica Time for a class action lawsuit. Representative Jamie Raskin is working in it. He discussed it this morning on MSNBC. #class_action_lawsuits #ClassAction
#FBI #ClassAction #Lawsuit against the retaliatory purge.
- First Amendment
- Violation of Due Process
- Rights to Privacy
The agents are suing the #Trump *#Justice* Dept & its interim head, Acting AG #JamesMcHenry, in a #ClassAction lawsuit on behalf of ALL affected #FBI agents. They are asking a federal judge to prevent the public release of the names of the agents who could face scrutiny.
Tue's lawsuit is the latest salvo in an ongoing rift between career FBI employees & Trump #DOJ leadership over the admin's potential personnel changes within the bureau.
More on the #FBI agents’ #ClassAction lawsuit to block #Trump list on agents who had anything to do with his or any #Jan6 investigations:
An anonymous group of FBI agents who worked on the Jan. 6, 2021, [#insurrection] …investigation & other federal probes tied to Trump are suing the #FederalGovernment over the #DOJ's plans to review the FBI's workforce & scrutinize agents who may have worked on the sensitive investigations….
#law #TrumpCoup #PoliticalViolence
With Elon the #oligarch getting full access to Treasury systems, his goons now have access to our SSN and bank details that we provide to IRS for tax refunds and payments, all without our consent. Musk is not a Senate-confirmed government official. Can we all get together and sue him for stealing our sensitive financial data? A class action law suit with 100+ million Americans.
Any #lawyers on here who can weigh on the feasibility?
Amazon accusata di spiare utenti tramite SDK in app
#Accuse #Amazon #AmazonAds #App #California #ClassAction #DataBreach #DatiPersonali #Notizie #Privacy #RaccoltaDati #SDK #Sicurezza #Spionaggio #StatiUniti #TechNews #Tecnologia #Tribunale #USA
Ticketmaster is evil and a $45 gift card for Ticketmaster is not a punishment for their evil!
#classaction #ticketmaster #canada
In California, Apple sotto accusa per presunti materiali tossici nei cinturini di Apple Watch. Una class action sostiene che i cinturini conterrebbero PFAS, sostanze chimiche potenzialmente dannose assorbibili dalla pelle. #Apple #AppleWatch #ClassAction
LinkedIn has been sued in a class action lawsuit by Premium subscribers in the US who allege that the platform illegally shared their private messages with third parties to train AI models.
DATE: January 16, 2025 at 05:02PM
Direct article link at end of text block below.
Law Office #WolfHaldenstein Says Hack Affected 3.4 Million: Legal Firm Joins Other #ClassAction Litigators Targeted by #Hackers https://t.co/zW7PVGgFsp
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Healthcare security & privacy posts not related to IT or infosec are at @HIPAABot . Even so, they mix in some infosec with the legal & regulatory information.
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Apple in tribunale a Londra per una class action da 1,5 miliardi di sterline: la causa accusa pratiche anticoncorrenziali dell’App Store, con commissioni fino al 30% su acquisti e app. L’azienda respinge le accuse #Apple #AppStore #ClassAction
Google will face mobile phone privacy class action, possible trial
Chief Judge Richard Seeborg of the federal court in San Francisco rejected arguments that the search engine company adequately disclosed how its Web & App Activity settings worked.
#lawsuit #privacy #technology #SanFrancisco #Consumer #Tech #USNews #classaction
PayPal Honey in tribunale: accuse di concorrenza sleale
#Accuse #Affiliazione #CauseLegali #ClassAction #ConcorrenzaSleale #Cookie #Estensione #Frode #Honey #LegalEagle #Notizie #PayPal #PayPalHoney #TechNews #Tecnologia
Secondo il nuovo codice della strada, chiunque risulti positivo al THC alla guida, anche se non in evidente stato di alterazione, rischia la sospensione della patente. E questo vale anche per chi assume #cannabisterapeutica regolarmente acquistata tramite ricetta medica.
Se entro il 20 gennaio il Ministero dei Trasporti non aprirà un tavolo tecnico per discutere della situazione, i pazienti presenteranno una #classaction contro il governo per danni.
I don't use paypal at all and I don't really know what coupons are either. But this Honey thing was explained and yikes wire fraud seems pretty bad. #Honey #ClassAction