Wow! Are MIT press giving this PDF textbook away free?
Wow! Are MIT press giving this PDF textbook away free?
Source : Youtube / Rapémathiques
#mathématiques #maths #math #Youtube #rap
[Archive — 2021] Parallèles (mais presque)
Si vous avez déjà entendu que « deux droites parallèles se coupent à l'infini » et que vous n'avez rien pigé, c'est normal. Je vous explique tout ça !
Lire cette BD : https://grisebouille.net/paralleles-mais-presque/
Le livre best of : https://editions.ptilouk.net/gb10ans
Soutien : https://ptilouk.net/#soutien
Any suggestions on how to transition from theoretical knowledge, to applied, real world experience? It seems as though I am learning much, but applying very little. Any suggestions would be great! #datascience #coding #maths
#tinyCSStip Simplifying animations with variables and mathematical functions.
Same result, just not writing almost the same `text-shadow` a bunch of times in a bunch of keyframes.
Live test on @codepen https://codepen.io/thebabydino/pen/MYWXgdZ
#CSS #Maths #code #coding #frontend #web #dev #webDev #webDevelopment
#cssMaths #trigonometry
Code/Demo: https://sketchpunklabs.github.io/threejs_proto/code/webgl/maths/gizmos_actions.html
I may need to build 3D Gizmos again, so thought I put together a simple ex of all the main actions needed. Got line & plane translation with visualizers for the raw data. FromScratch raycasts + mathlib, free & portable 4 all
#threejs #maths #gamedev #indiedev #javascript #webgl #webdev
Huh, my son (14) has just shown me the "stair climbing" problem and how it can be solved using the Fibonacci sequence. Supercool #maths.
The Fourier Transform is a mathematical operation that transforms a function of time (or space) into a function of frequency. It decomposes a complex signal into its constituent sinusoidal components, each with a specific frequency, amplitude, and phase. This is particularly useful in many fields, such as signal processing, physics, and engineering, because it allows for analysing the frequency characteristics of signals. The Fourier Transform provides a bridge between the time and frequency domains, enabling the analysis and manipulation of signals in more intuitive and computationally efficient ways. The result of applying a Fourier Transform is often represented as a spectrum, showing how much of each frequency is present in the original signal.
\[\Large\boxed{\boxed{\widehat{f}(\xi) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x)\ e^{-i 2\pi \xi x}\,\mathrm dx, \quad \forall\xi \in \mathbb{R}.}}\]
Inverse Fourier Transform:
\[\Large\boxed{\boxed{ f(x) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \widehat f(\xi)\ e^{i 2 \pi \xi x}\,\mathrm d\xi,\quad \forall x \in \mathbb R.}}\]
The equation allows us to listen to mp3s today. Digital Music Couldn’t Exist Without the Fourier Transform: http://bit.ly/22kbNfi
It’s maths homework time.
It’s SATS style questions this week.
#WomenHistoryMonth if you love #electronic #music learn about Delia Derbyshire, the godmother of #electronica. In the early ‘60s she created the famous arrangement for the Dr. Who series for the BBC and went on composing many more pieces. At the intersection of #maths and music, she was a pioneer of the music we love dancing on today.
Well, maybe not exactly at the front of one's mind but certainly within a finite distance of it and very likely at a distance greater than half way between the back and the front.
#maths #sets
Source : Youtube / Rapémathiques
#mathématiques #maths #math #rap #Youtube
"Making mathematics accessible to the educated layman, while keeping high scientific standards, has always been considered a treacherous navigation between the Scylla of professional contempt and the Charybdis of public misunderstanding." – Gian-Carlo Rota (1932-1999)
#quote #mathematics #math #maths
Why am I only just now realising that:
15 - 5 - 1 = 9
15 - (5 - 1) = 11
When an expression has addition/subtraction as well as multiplication/division, I always understood the need for brackets around the +/- to prioritise them (#BODMAS). I just never realised it also changed the value of expressions that *only* use subtraction...
LG EXAONE Deep is a maths, science, and coding buff https://www.artificialintelligence-news.com/news/lg-exaone-deep-maths-science-and-coding-buff/ #lg #science #maths #coding #developers #programming #ai #tech #news #technology
@RecurringBloatware @tanishqkumar
Nice answer, thank you! I regret I haven't got as far as self hosting with many documents of uploaded context yet, but my closest friend to whom I defer on such matters tells me that when I need to go there, the answer will be DeepSeek with RAG.
"Mathematics is not a careful march down a well-cleared highway, but a journey into a strange wilderness, where the explorers often get lost." – W.S. Anglin
#quote #mathematics #math #maths
Toying with an idea to do differentiation in #Python EG something like dif ** 2 might return lambda x: x*2, dif.log == lambda x: 1/x
S = 123**2
de = dif **2
x = 100
for tran in range(100):
x -= (S-(x**2))/de(x)