A little reminder that this is a satire account and you should please take us seriously.
There is always a germ of truth in satire, which is more than you can say about most strings of words nowadays.
A little reminder that this is a satire account and you should please take us seriously.
There is always a germ of truth in satire, which is more than you can say about most strings of words nowadays.
#Reddit is heavily censored, with no transparent policy, notice, record, or due process.
Especially since the Great Exodus, it would be a grave mistake to assume any discussion there is representative of any real consensus.
#censorship #posttruth #disinformation #knowledgecrisis
This short film is making the rounds again on social media because it has become relevant again about #posttruth America. But PLEASE only share it from the original filmmaker’s channels (Ideaman Studios, 2017).
It’s being freebooted again, particular on FB, where a recent page was given a “Rising Creator” badge. Likely others, because, well #enshittification
We live in a world where refusing to believe that #AI is "intelligent" can get you cancelled by society and fired by many employers.
#informationcrisis #disinformation #posttruth
my moral compass
insists it's pointing steady,
that the world's spinning
La nova alfabetització
Com aspectes també centrals per a construir el ciberhumanisme, advertim així com el nadiu digital abandona, per una banda, qualsevol implicació amb una societat que no avança ni deixa avançar.
I wonder why did fact checking stopped working? Why catching an official lying stopped being important to anybody?
@brodnig über die Wichtigkeit des Kampfes gegen Norm-Verschiebungen:
"Die große Herausforderung ist, sich als Gesellschaft wiederholt in Erinnerung zu rufen, was nicht Normalität ist oder nicht werden sollte. Denn die Gefahr besteht, dass beim zweiten, dritten, vierten Mal die Kritik und der zivile Widerspruch leiser werden – weil es sich nicht mehr so unvorstellbar anfühlt, weil Zermürbungstaktiken fruchten."
#posttruth #fascism #democracy #politics
#graphicnovel : "On Tyranny" by Timothy Snyder
Tätä tulee kyllä vastaan aika lailla liikaa perus liberaaleilta toimittajilta.
Sinänsä ihan osuvaa kritiikkiä, mutta tässä puuttuu se perusymmärrys siitä mitä Trump on.
”Todellisuus” ja Trump/MAGA eivät perustasolla ole yhteensopivia. Koko homman ajatus on kieltää todellisuuden olemassaolo.
Vai mitä sanotte muutoksista lopettaa tiedottaminen terveys- ja ympäristöriskeistä?
Trumpismi on kuin amerikkalainen vapaapainiottelu.
#trump #journalismi #posttruth
Germany's largest newspaper published pro-Netanyahu disinformation. Where is the outcry?
@gazawatch @direkt.gnistor.se
@iran @israel
The #indymediaback is a Fediverse project about rebooting the radical grassroots media network, #Indymedia, by anchoring it in trust-based #4opens (Open Data, Source, Process, and Standards). It prioritizes local, collective publishing as the foundation for global solidarity and counter-narratives. The project resists the co-option of #mainstreaming and #dotcons by decentralized, democratic governance and focusing on native, horizontal structures.
Expected outcomes include a revived independent media landscape that amplifies marginalized voices, balancing corporate and state narratives, and builds resilience against #posttruth misinformation. By composting the #geekproblem and embracing simplicity (#KISS), the project empower communities with sustainable, open tools for storytelling, activism, and solidarity. The goal is to seed a flourishing, cooperative #openweb native media as a part of the current activertypub based web reboot.
Proposing to implement a distributed system without considering things such as #CAP, Transactions, #EventualConsistency or even...error handling!
They are probably even unaware of the fact that it is a distributed system in the first place.
What has happened to our #society that even basic fundamentals are turned a blind eye on!?
I'm literally scared...
tsunami of lies
truth and hope drown in such din
their pained screams unheard
“Facts don’t care about your feelings, you’ve heard this, okay. No, it’s completely backward. I think it’s completely wrong. It is the inverse, your feelings actually don’t care about facts,” said keynote speaker Chris Rufo in his opening remarks.
GPT-fabricated scientific papers on Google Scholar: Features, spread, implications
* many about applied, controversial topics susceptible to disinformation
* environment, health, computing
* resulting potential for malicious manipulation of society’s evidence base, particularly in politically divisive domains, a concern
NEW BOOK: Tactical Publishing! I’m very excited to announce my new book “Tactical Publishing, Using Senses, Software, and Archives in the Twenty-First Century”, now published by MIT Press. It has taken many years to research and finalise the book, which I hope will be a solid sequel to "Post-Digital Print", and now it is finally in print. A huge thank you to all the generous people who have supported me over the years (the list is long), especially Ryan Bishop, Jussi Parikka, who along with Scott Rettberg and David Garcia has written very generous praise, my fabulous colleagues Jo Turney and Daniel Cid Moragas at Winchester School of Art - University of Southampton, Sean Cubitt and Doug Sery at MIT Press and Nick Montfort who wrote the beautiful foreword!
Available here in print https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Publishing-Software-Archives-Twenty-First/dp/0262542056/
and in Open Access here: https://direct.mit.edu/books/oa-monograph/5716/Tactical-PublishingUsing-Senses-Software-and
If you work in #science #psychology #medicine #sociology #humanities I highly recommend a read of this piece on the dark side of the history #statistics theory, discussing how it was driven by a desire to make #eugenics look like fact
A useful reflection as we live through another #PostTruth era
Fighting #Racism #Sexism #Homophobia #Transphobia & #Ableism with all you good people, strengthened by learning lessons from the past.