Who's your favorite New Republic Squadron?
Who's your favorite New Republic Squadron?
Matty’s Stoked videos always make me want to play, watch or read whatever he is talking about, he has such a lot of passion for them. I don’t really have the time to play all the #Castlevania games or (after today’s video watch) read the #RogueSquadron comics but I do feel like I vicariously experienced them now somehow https://youtu.be/4X3QN0RHwqY?si=tkOo1j-o990xv9v3
Amazing 1965 Science cover: Mariner IV approaches Mars
at first glance looking at the miniature image I thought it was an X-wing squadron in attack formation! #starwars #xwing #rogueleader #roguesquadron #MayTheForceBeWithYou
Drawing by Federal Graphics
Patty Jenkins Clarifies the Status of ‘Rogue Squadron’
During Disney's 2020 Investor Day presentation, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy announced that Patty Jenkins had signed on to direct Rogue Squadron. At the time, the film was slated for a Christmas 2023 release but following a production delay in 2021, the