The history of my editor and for me in use since ~1999 on LinuxPPC, SCO Unix and GNU.
Take care
The history of my editor and for me in use since ~1999 on LinuxPPC, SCO Unix and GNU.
Take care
@GossiTheDog Oh that won’t do it. I used to have recurring nightmares of armed gangs hunting me. Now? #vi
Always coming back. Never tiring. Never dying.
Bit like that guy from the #Sisu film actually. I’m guessing that’s where the #Finnish swear word ‘vittu’ comes from. A vi that opened from a teletype. It would just sit there, undead, following you, patiently, until your last breath.
Right, am I the only one who wants to main #Bim instead of #Vim or #NeoVim despite it being archived since 2024 and not changed in #ToaruOS since 2023?
#GitHub repo:
Kinda makes me want to write my own Vim-like #TextEditor...
@elpuntavui em comprometo a augmentar el meu consum de #vi #català en un 200% mentre durin els aranzels i m'aguant-hi d'empeus.
Ara mateix vaig a comprar-ne un altre #porró per si de cas.
switched to the ipython repl to fix this
ipython also doesn't use readline anymore and thus doesn't respect inputrc but blessedly does have a vi-mode you can enable with a cli flag or in your ipython config file.
With all the installations on #GNU/#Linux (servers, vms, desktop, ... ), #BSD and #Unix systems, #MacOS, #Microsoft #Windows and WLS) I feel comfortable to claim there or way more than 1 billion installations of Vi*; often without people knowing about it.
Thank you Bram Moolenaar, Christian Brabandt, the whole #Vim community, and all the people from projects like #NeoVIM, #Nvi, #Busybox #Vi, who develop and maintain their #vim flavour. #ilovefs
me: why is the python repl not respecting my .inputrc
python: we have a new fancy repl
python: you should really try it it's great
python: it's got alllll these great new features
python: they're really great, so much better than our old garbage repl
python: it doesn't use readline so there's no vi mode
me: ...
python: the old repl isn't going away though so you can keep using that
Instead of working on my parser I wrote a silly #vi #emacs #eshell useage #medium post.
#development #environment #lisp #programming
The gist is that in eshell, issuing vi drops you into this interesting fantasy mode. It's quite funny to use !! within vi within emacs. Consider using it instead of #vim or #doom.
@ksaj I had microemacs in Mark Williams C on ST, and edwin in MIT Scheme on Unix, but as soon as stevie (ancestor of Vim on ST) came out, I switched to that. Night and day in performance, and vi lets you write filters in any language you want.
I've always just used the REPL for my Scheme or Lisp or any other language, it works fine that way.
#scheme #lisp #vi
True Story, bruh:
Back in the 90's people would go on about how superior emacs is as an editor. And some cheerleaders would hound me about why I "still" used (and still do today) vi... vim actually. Even for doing things like Usenet news, and the email client. Joe was in a lot of email readers, which is pretty much slobberproof, BUT...
My answer was and still is simple. I hack and break things for a living. I've never seen emacs installed on a bridge, router, or frankly any other network device. Hell, when the web came around, emacs was only rarely on those servers, either. But ed and vi is (was?) on pretty much all of them.
So that's what I learned. And my personal ecosystem and workflow is all about vi(m) and nothing about emacs.
Even though I'm a Lisp cheerleader, lol.
Do I hate emacs? No, but I do very much dislike the overpowering smell of religion that seems permeate it's very existence, like those dirty air lines fuming from the Peanuts character Pigpen.
Some call me a space cowboy. Some call me a gangsta of #Lisp
Day 396. Ref:
Working on various skills, but not happy with todays output. Didn’t manage to accomplish what I was going for. Good practice though.