Awesome the 3rd egg of #BaldEagles Jackie and Shadow may hatch after all. #Eagles #BigBearValley #California #Birds #Nature I didn’t think it had a chance
Awesome the 3rd egg of #BaldEagles Jackie and Shadow may hatch after all. #Eagles #BigBearValley #California #Birds #Nature I didn’t think it had a chance
I watched a bald eagle get mobbed by crows for a while today. Their mate was in a nearby tree also getting mobbed, until they both got fed up and flew off lol
Environmental groups to protest for wildlife at Milan Bottoms #BaldEagles #bottoms #development #environment #Illinois #March #marsh #MialN #Milan #RockIsland #RockIslandCounty
Awesome the 3rd egg of #BaldEagles Jackie and Shadow may hatch after all. #Eagles #BigBearValley #California #Birds #Nature I didn’t think it had a chance
These two are a crack up. Here they are grabbing each other’s beaks. They’re so absorbed in each other it took a while before they realized Jackie was trying to feed them.
This is what our local transfer station (dump) looks like. Eagles and ravens just love it there. Photos by Alaska Wild Photography. #Alaska #BirdsOfAlaska #BaldEagles #Ravens
#silentsunday Two juvenile bald eagles. Someday I'll get that nice zoom lens! #baldeagles #pnw
A soaring Bald Eagle
Srr it bigger or buy it here:
The lighthouse with a sailboat and a Bald Eagle sitting on a stick.
See it bigger here:
Happy to report that the eaglet has started to feed itself from prey its parents bring back to the nest.
Funny thing: I saw one parent bringing back a small fish, probably a herring. It left it on the edge of the nest for a few minutes. The eaglet was staring at the yummy fish. Then the adult picked up the fish and gobbled it. The eaglet looked so confused and kept staring at the parent. ''Hey! that was my breakfast!!''
Sadly the eggs still in the nest aren't viable, but I read yesterday that the pair of #baldeagles mated again and there is a slight chance for a second batch of eggs. I don't know anything about birds, specifically eagles, but being able to peer into their lives is better than watching politics. #BigBearValley #Nature
Good morning on #eagle watch. At 3:15AM nest-time Jackie, the female is asleep on the big nest, incubating her 3 eggs. The temp is 36 and still falling, with winds at about 10mph.
As the past few days have been over freezing, all the snow on the nest is gone. Once it gets lighter, one will be able to see the snow cover still down near the lake, but it is diminishing.
We're still more than a week and a half from beginning to watch for the first eaglets to hatch.
I was going to do an #eagle recap tonight, but due to heavy #snow the cameras are both offline.
The mods reported that during bad weather Jackie is more likely to stay on the nest herself, and not let Shadow take a turn. She's already well past 24 hours straight.
Depending on the weather, it may take a while to regain the camera feed.
Keeping good thoughts for the #BaldEagles at the #FOBBV webcam.
Please look up the thread for more information.
Two men were just charged with illegally killing a staggering 3,600 #birds, including bald eagles.
#BaldEagles are just one of the many species that the #EndangeredSpeciesAct saved from #extinction.
But the Endangered Species Act is under attack -- and if we don't stand up for it, this kind of mass killing of #wildlife could soon become the new normal.
Eagle Fight Haines Alaska. See more here:
#eagles #baldeagles #fight #snow #winter #haines #alaska #wildlife #wildlifephotography #animalphotography #naturephotography #nature #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #TheArtDistrict #giftideas @joancarroll #shopearly
I am still working on those skills but I have gotten better at photos of birds in flight. At least when it comes to larger birds...
Here is a 1-minute video of #SandhillCranes on the wing, circling around and landing among some others. This group was in the foreground and took to the air when a pair of #BaldEagles landed in the tree directly behind us. Sound up, not only for the distinctive and loud calls of the Sandhill cranes, but also for the screechy-chirpy noises of the Bald eagles at 9 seconds in.
It's #MarshMadness!
I got a message about a bald eagle sitting in a tree a couple miles from my house. I got out of the house faster than if it had been on fire (I also left the cats inside, which I would not do in case of a fire) and drove to the spot, expecting the bird to be gone but no, this beautiful, not-quite-adult bald eagle was still sitting there!