Heute Nachmittag werden wir uns wieder unserem Lieblingstentakelmonster hingeben.
[Blog post] rOpenSci Code of Conduct Annual Review by
Natalia Morandeira, @mpadge and @yabellini
Every year we conduct a review of our code of conduct and the functioning of the committee. Learn more about the updates for version 2.5 of rOpenSci’s Code of Conduct and #CoC committee activities during 2024.
[Blog Post] Template To Handle Code of Conduct Incidents Reports
by Natalia Morandeira and @yabellini
Learn how rOpenSci’s template provides a structured approach to effectively and confidentially analyze Code of Conduct incident reports.
#Le #Coc #d'Or by Kaye Menner #Photography Wide variety #Prints & lovely #Products at:
#rooster #golden #golden rooster #comb #redcomb #greentail feathers goldenfeathers #homedecor #mastoart #fediverse #fediart #fedigiftshop #giftideas #wallartforsale #Art #artforsale #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #Artist #FineArtAmerica #PhotographyFeed #VisualArts #CreativeArts
@Fuchskind Die Woche wird beruflich und privat durch die anstehenden Termine recht anstrengend. Als Ausgleich gibt es dafür #CoC am Samstag. (;,,;)
1. First #ttrpg ever played: #WHFRP
2. First you ever ran? #CoC
3. Played the most? #ShadowdarkRPG
4. Run the most? #FreeformUniversal
5. Favourite? Impossible to say
6. Most recently played? #ShadowdarkRPG
7. Most recently run? #ShadowdarkRPG w/ #Ravenloft module
The effect of failing a pushed Library Use roll.
(Comic written by Paul Tobin and illustrated by Juan Ferreyra, originally published in the newsletter of the HP Lovecraft Film Festival)
This isn't something you can hide anymore. This will be clear to anyone with access to an LLM and the wherewithall to see what defines community morale.
Basically this means that as I've always said: THE #COC IS OPTIONAL, and that is intentional. Now you can allow people to play favourites, have insider cliques, enforcers, yada-yada-yada and so forth.
When public officials then figure this out, they will avoid you like the plague, because they already have previous experience with this sort.
Boost for reach please!
Come join me for a Code of Conduct Enforcement workshop:
Discrimination and harassment is rising globally. Join me to learn the skills needed to keep our own communities safe and welcoming.
March 11 - European, African, and North American friendly time (14:00 UTC)
April 2 - European, African, and North American friendly time (13:00 UTC)
No workshop in May
June 26 - Asia / Pacific friendly time (01:00 UTC)
@cmccullough can you please stop posting political crap on this instance ? It's in direct violation of #CoC. Thank you, this is #FOSS. I like your other posts way more ...
The idea of #meritocracy only works if everyone is completely sure about the goals - like with #Linux and the #LinuxFoundation.
It's about machine code, low level programming and serving drivers for hardware enablement. You can pretty much quantify meritocratic value by quality of contribution - even in terms of #CoC, as we can see with #BcacheFS.
But, in #politics? There's no such thing. This is proven with finality by #Trump, as he calls it meritocratic, but hires ill-fitting candidates.
Mythos & Musketeers
A review of Musketeers vs. Cthulhu: A Simple Nightfall RPG Book, based on a short story by Claudia Christian and Chris McAuley, and published by Nightfall Games.
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #CoC #CallofCthulhu
#ttrpg #ttrpgs
Totally true. If any opportunity that comes with power may be misused it's gonna be misused.
The only way to prevent this is to not allow to multiply such opportunities, i. e. get rid of such things as CoCs totally in order not to provide one bunch of people with a weapon to "enforce" their agenda over another group of people.
#foss #linux #CoC
@thelinuxEXP I appreciate you being willing to consider and discuss the character of some of the developers in the #FOSS space as a relevant item. It's why I watch you religiously and stopped watching Brodie.
FOSS is a personal and political statement inherently, and we need to make decisions about what kind of future we are building and who it should be accessible to. Those indifferent to dehumanization and abuse are contributing to making/keeping these spaces hostile to many people.
Bcachefs Developer Kent Overstreet Banned From Linux Kernel Development #announcements #file_system #linux #linux_kernel #news #opensource #bcachefs #coc #code_of_conduct #kent_overstreet
01.00.013 - S'avoir s'arrêter, pourquoi j'ai annulé ma campagne
Je viens d'annoncer que j'arrêtais de mener ma campagne des masques de Nyarlathotep pour le jeu de rôle l'appel de Cthulhu. Cette campagne, je l'avais commencé avant la naissance de mon fils pendant le confinement et elle a subi des arrêts, des changements de joueurs, pleins de péripétie.
#jdr #cthulhu #AdC #CallofCthulhu #CoC #Nyarlathotep #TTRPG #roleplaying #Lovecraft #RPG #TabletopGames
FreeINT nannte sich irgendwann um in Schattenklinge. Doppelt hab ich die Nummern 13, 17 und 20, alle aus den 1990ern.
Das Fanzine widmete sich Runequest, Cthulhu, Stormbringer und anderen BRP-Spielen.
#ZineSwap #fanzine #zine #tausch #tauschen #pnpde #RuneQuest #Cthulhu #Coc #CallOfCthulhu
Question: What #CallOfCthulhu scenarios feature travel to other dimensions?