WC4 Fan Remake Deploys New Assets to the Masa System! There's a big new update on the progress of WC4 Remastered! #game #games #gaming #retro #retrogaming #wingcommander #wc #wc4 https://www.wcnews.com/index.shtml#16800
WC4 Fan Remake Deploys New Assets to the Masa System! There's a big new update on the progress of WC4 Remastered! #game #games #gaming #retro #retrogaming #wingcommander #wc #wc4 https://www.wcnews.com/index.shtml#16800
BREAKING NEWS: Wing Commander II & Academy Albums Released! Andrew Harrington of Xeen Music has spent months researching and restoring the music of Wing Commander II and Academy and has produced an incredible collection with everything you know! #game #games #gaming #retro #retrogaming #wc #wingcommander #music
#RetroGaming Did you know?
- #WingCommander *didn't* hack a DPMI error when it closed. That's a myth.
- #Myst was written in HyperCard on the Mac, w/ a plugin for big 256-color images. Broderbund created a custom(?) engine to port it to Windows.
- #Undertale has some wonky code, but it still works! Good code is only important if you want your game to run on a 486 (I wish Undertale ran on a 486!)
- #SimCity2000 for #Windows3 had a use-after-free bug that #Windows95 was patched to accommodate.
Ich schreibe gerade an einem Artikel und in den wird es u.a. um meine versiegte (und evtl. wieder entfachte) Liebe für Videospiele gehen. Hier schon einmal ein irreführendes Teaser-Bild.
Latest impressive Video of Howard Day's latest graphical wonders in Wing Leader. A complete rework of Wing Commander I. The first clip is a neat trick where the dashboard text translates from Kilrathi into English as you swap into the cockpit view. There are also some additional sparks and fire effects that accompany damage and destroyed objects. Pretty stuff! #games #gaming #retro #retrogaming #wc #wingcommander #wingleader https://www.wcnews.com/news/2024/09/29/wing-leader-improves-explosions-amp-adds-neat-translation-effect
"Thank you for playing Wing Commander!" was a hacked error message of the memory manager the devs couldn’t fix before the game’s release.
Or so the story goes. But is it true?
I came across with Wing Commander News article who
did some myth busting last year:
30 klicks of double-gravity terrain - Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom - Remastered! #games #gaming #retro #retrogaming #origin #wc4 #wingcommander #wciv
GOG Wing Commander IV DOS Fix - The good people at GOG include a download of the original DOS version of Wing Commander IV as a bonus feature when you purchase their digital release (which is based on the Windows 95 DVD release). That's great news for anyone who wants to play Wing Commander IV the same way they did back in February 1996... except that the copy on GOG is broken! Several of the MUSIC files are corrupt which results in an inevitable, game-breaking crash on loading a mission once you arrive at later CDs.
To correct the issue, we've put correct versions of the bad files online here. Simply use this archive to replace MUSIC1 through MUSIC4 in your /Wing Commander IV - DOS Version/CD1 folder and the game will work correctly going forward. If you've already experienced the crash be sure and first load a mission from CD1 in order to clear the corrupt MUSIC file from the game's cache. #gaming #games #retro #retrogaming #wingcommander #wc4 #wciv #gog
Save Archives: Wing Commanders Prophecy, Secret Ops and Wing Commander IV! Earlier this year WCNewy posted an archive of Wing Commander IV saved games for pilots who want to quickly access any mission as easy as possible (either for research or fun). Part two is finally here! WCnews went through and created characters for Wing Commander Prophecy and Wing Commander Secret Ops with full flight histories and player-created saved games. Have fun exploring some of the missions you may never have gotten to play before! #games #gaming #retro #retrogaming #wingcommander #wc #wcprophecy #wciv #pc #pcmr
Get Schooled by GOG WC Sale. GOG.com is helping ease the back-to-school blues with a hefty discount on the Wing Commander series. Most of the entries in the franchise are marked down 50% to $2.99, but Academy and Armada are slightly cheaper at 66% off. Privateer 2 tops the sale with a full 75% off, which is a little odd, but not the first time that P2 got singled out for special recognition! #games #gaming #retro #retrogaming #wingcommander #wc #drmfree #pc #pcmr
A quick look behind the scenes on Bad Influence in 1993 at the making of Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger - not just a game but an interactive movie!
Also to note that by 1993, slightly more than a decade after its founding, Electronic Arts was described as the world's biggest game company.
Happy 26th birthday Wing Commander CIC!!! #WingCommander #wccic #cic #happybirthday #games #gaming #retro #retrogaming
just picked up 15 early 90s issues of Computer Games Strategy Plus mag. as soon as i saw Privateer and Ultima Underworld II on a cover, I could not resist
Ah, yes, a two-and-a-half hours video retrospective on Wing Commander II. Pithy and lovely. Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNP7-TlOJ-s
Wing Commander 4 Respace Fan Mod: Demo verfügbar! Wing Commander 4 war eines der großen Spiele mit Full-Motion-Video-Sequenzen mit Schauspielern wie Mark Hamill (Star Wars, Star Citizen) und Malcolm McDowell (Clockwork Orange). Das Fan-Mod-Projekt Wing Commander 4 Respace zielt darauf ab, das Spiel aus dem Jahr 1996 optisch zu modernisieren.
#retro #retrogaming #mod #pc #wingcommander #pcmr #wc4
New DOSBox Spinoff Set Stage for New Features - Wing Commander CIC – https://www.wcnews.com/news/2023/12/23/new-dosbox-spinoff-set-stage-for-new-features #retro #retrogaming #pcmr #dosbos #wingcommander
HUGE for me as a Wing Commander Veteran!
Destro recently launched a big update to his Wing Loader program that adds speech to WC1. In preparation for a future update that would aim to add high quality videos into WC3, Destro made this simple patch to upgrade the commercially available GOG DOS edition into an updated Kilrathi Saga Windows version. https://www.wcnews.com/index.shtml#16333
Star Citizen - LINUX SUPPORT soon?
Star Citizen in itself is a MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) set in a vast universe.
SQUADRON 42 - is an upcoming single-player adventure set in that same Star Citizen realm - 10 years behind the schedule..
Great news though -- Linux & Vulkan were specifically mentioned at CitizenCon '23! => https://youtu.be/xKWa4WoTkV4?t=1989