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Newroz Piroz Be!

Csoa Gabrio, sabato 22 marzo alle ore 16:00 CET

Vi invitiamo alla celebrazione del Newroz (capodanno curdo) sabato 22 marzo al @csoa_gabrio !
Vi aspettiamo dalle 16 per un momento di festa con discussioni, proiezioni, musica e balli. In un momento storico così importante, alla luce dell'ultima dichiarazione di Öc4lan, dobbiamo ricordarci che è nei momenti di caos che si creano le possibilità di liberazione.
Bijî Serok Apo! Bijî Berxwedana Imrali!
Viva il leader Apo! Viva la resistenza di Imrali!


Spazio Popolare Neruda, giovedì 13 marzo alle ore 20:00 CET

Questo giovedì ci vediamo allo Spazio popolare Neruda dalle 20 per guardare insieme il documentario "Tekoşer. Il partigiano Orso", un film di Dario Salvetti sul compagno Lorenzo Orsetti, caduto il 18 marzo 2019 in Rojava, lottando contro l'ISIS.

Dopo il documentario staremo insieme per preparare lo striscione per la commemorazione che si terrà domenica 16 marzo a Firenze

Defend Kurdistan Torino

(machine translation)
The coalition “No room for defense! ” organizes the protest march “Stop the arms race on Saturday 5 April at 1 pm in #Leeuwarden. No room for defense! ” This demonstration for humanity and against militarism is aimed at the billions of investments in weapons of war and against the #NATO exercise “Ramstein Flag ” at Leeuwarden Air Base.

The air base in Leeuwarden stands for war and pollution instead of “peace and safety ”. Billions are already being spent on fighter jets such as the F-35, frigates, tanks and other weapons of war, and the call to invest much more in weapons is only getting louder. Meanwhile, the wars in #Ukraine, #Palestine, #Sudan, #Kurdistan and many other countries have never ended.
#antimilitarism #ResistMilitarism #Protest #Netherlands

Todon Acties · Protestmars tegen grootschalige NAVO-vliegoefening Ramstein Flag> Geen ruimte voor Defensie > [] (bron > []) DEMONSTRATIE VOOR MENSELIJKHEID De coalitie “Geen ruimte voor defensie!” organiseert op zaterdag 5 april om 13.00 uur in Leeuwarden de protestmars “Stop de wapenwedloop. Geen ruimte voor defensie!” Deze demonstratie voor menselijkheid en tegen militarisme is gericht tegen de miljardeninvesteringen in oorlogstuig en tegen de Navo-oefening “Ramstein Flag” op vliegbasis Leeuwarden. De vliegbasis in Leeuwarden staat voor oorlog en vervuiling in plaats van “vrede en veiligheid”. Er worden al miljarden besteed aan straaljagers zoals de F-35, fregatten, tanks en ander oorlogstuig en de roep om nog veel meer te investeren in wapens wordt alleen maar luider. Ondertussen komt er maar geen einde aan de oorlogen in Oekraïne, Palestina, Soedan, Koerdistan en vele andere landen. Van 31 maart t/m 11 april houdt de Navo vanaf vliegbasis Leeuwarden de grootschalige luchtmachtoefening Ramstein Flag. Deze oefening leidt tot enorme overlast, gigantische uitstoot van stikstof en broeikasgassen en draagt bij aan het verhogen van de oorlogsdreiging in Europa en de wereld. Het is daarom tijd om te kiezen voor vrede en rechtvaardigheid. Wij demonstreren op zaterdag 5 april in Leeuwarden voor menselijkheid en tegen militarisme tijden de protestmars “stop de wapenwedloop. Geen ruimte voor defensie!” Tijdens deze demonstratie willen we ook aandacht vragen voor de slachtoffers van Navo-geweld, zoals de slachtoffers van het dodelijke Nederlandse bombardement op Hawija in Irak. ACHTERGRONDEN VLIEGBASIS LWD: EEN GEVAAR VOOR IEDEREEN De vliegbasis wordt gepresenteerd als een garantie voor veiligheid, maar zorgt juist voor risico's en gevaar, zowel lokaal als wereldwijd, en houdt een systeem van oorlog en militarisering in stand dat geen vrede brengt. In plaats van bescherming vormt de vliegbasis juist een doelwit in tijden van conflict. VLIEGBASIS LWD: MILIEUSCHADE ZONDER GRENZEN De vliegbasis draagt door de enorme uitstoot van CO2, stikstof en andere giftige stoffen fors bij aan de klimaatcrisis en lokale vervuiling. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat krijgsmachten wereldwijd verantwoordelijk zijn voor bijna 6 procent van alle CO2-uitstoot. Daarnaast is het water bij de vliegbasis ernstig vervuild met PFAS, een soort “forever plastic” dat zeer schadelijk is voor mens en natuur. Ook kampen omwonenden met stress, gehoorschade en ademhalingsproblemen. VLIEGBASIS LWD: WAPENS BOVEN WELZIJN De kosten van de vliegbasis zijn nu al gigantisch en dan wil defensie de basis ook nog eens gaan uitbreiden. Miljarden euro's worden verspild aan oorlogstuig, terwijl dat geld beter besteed kan worden aan zorg, onderwijs, betaalbare woningen, ontwikkelingshulp en diplomatie en niet te vergeten de strijd tegen klimaatverandering. Uiteindelijk levert de wapenwedloop alleen profijt op voor oorlogshitsers en de wapenindustrie. VLIEGBASIS LWD: LAWAAI BOVEN LEEFBAARHEID Dagelijks worden omwonenden en dieren in de wijde omgeving geteisterd door de gigantische geluidsoverlast van straaljagers. Deze herrie is geen bijzaak, maar een direct aanval op de levenskwaliteit en gezondheid van omwonenden. Volgens de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie WHO is geluid één van de grootste gevaren in onze leefomgeving. Het kan zowel lichamelijke als psychische klachten veroorzaken en zelfs tot sterfgevallen leiden. Rust, ruimte en welzijn worden opgeofferd voor militaristisch machtsvertoon.


Nachbarn 124 Min.

Verfügbar bis 05/05/2025



Wie viel Freundschaft, Liebe und Solidarität sind in Zeiten von Repression und Willkür möglich?

Diese Frage stellt sich täglich in einem #Dorf an der syrisch-türkischen #Grenze.

Der sechsjährige Kurdenjunge Sero erlebt Anfang der 80er Jahre sein erstes #Schuljahr in einer arabischen #Schule.

- Der Film (2020) ist inspiriert von #Kindheitserlebnissen seines #Regisseurs, #ManoKhalil

#Kurden #Kurdistan #Frankreich #England #EU #Politik #Demokratie #Geschichte #History

#Nachbarn #Syrien #Türkei
#Freundschaft #Liebe #Kind

#Solidarität in Zeiten von #Repression #Willkür #gegenHassundHetze


Nachbarn 124 Min.

Verfügbar bis 05/05/2025



Wie viel Freundschaft, Liebe und Solidarität sind in Zeiten von Repression und Willkür möglich?

Diese Frage stellt sich täglich in einem #Dorf an der syrisch-türkischen #Grenze.

Der sechsjährige Kurdenjunge Sero erlebt Anfang der 80er Jahre sein erstes #Schuljahr in einer arabischen #Schule.

- Der Film (2020) ist inspiriert von #Kindheitserlebnissen seines #Regisseurs, #ManoKhalil

#Kurden #Kurdistan #Frankreich #England #EU #Politik #Demokratie #Geschichte #History

#Nachbarn #Syrien #Türkei
#Freundschaft #Liebe #Kind

#Solidarität in Zeiten von #Repression #Willkür #gegenHassundHetze

Continued thread


Biweekly update from your anarchist comrades in #NES

Also available on

# Evaluation

First of all, we want to share a self-criticism for not sharing our weekly update last week. We included some relevant events from past week in the present update. A combination of technical difficulties, shortcomings in coordination and other relevant works prevented us from curating a coherent update to share last week. We consider this task an important work to do. We value the trust you give us by following our channels, and we want to keep up with the commitments we agreed. Nevertheless, we are not professional journalists or analysts, and have limited capacities and resources. We are revolutionary anarchist militants keeping up with the duties we committed to: support, defend and expand the revolutionary developments achieved in northeastern Syria.

About the situation on the ground, as the recent escalation in Latakia region unfolds, the military forces of the transitional government are reacting as everyone expected them to do. The Salafist elements of HTS together with other Islamist militias of SNA are massacring Alawite people and inciting ethnic hate and revenge. Al-Sharaa's measured declarations to simulate control of the situation are just a performance. Nevertheless, his recent statements about conspiracies and plans to sow discord and instability in Syria, may have some foundations besides just diverting public attention. Russian elements have been negotiating with the transitional government, but they probably kept connections with what remains of the military of the ousted regime. The scale and coordination of the attacks may suggest some external support for the insurgents. The fast reaction of Russian army providing aid and humanitarian support to displaced Alawites is an indicator that they have clear interest to keep presence in the region, working to gain support from the local population. How much are they offering a solution to the problem they themselves created is a matter of speculation for now.

In any case, this escalation of tensions can lead to clashes even in other regions. Different forces in opposition the new government might find an opportunity to challenge their rule, pushing back to gain better positions in these moments of chaos. Also other Islamist groups may use this situation to incite hate and push for further escalation to advance their agendas. As we write these lines, we are following reports on attacks being repelled by security forces in Sheikh Maqsoud, the Kurdish neighborhood in the city of Aleppo.

In the geopolitical board, the "power vacuum" of Syria is clearly unleashing waves that will influence the region for decades to come. Turkey in the north and Israel in the south are trying to use this situation to expand their influence, entering in a race for hegemony in Middle east that is now being played in Syria. This creates and interesting contradiction for US, since Turkey being a NATO member will oblige them to defend Turkish forces in case of conflict with Israel. But we all know that in such a conflict US will align with Israel and not with Turkey, questioning the value of the whole NATO alliance. Such a situation still far away from taking place, but it is probably what Russia would like to see, and their presence in Syria is not over yet. How all those things will play out, especially now with a narcissitic clown in the White house, is still unknown.

But going back to the ground level, while those terrible massacres are happening on the Syrian coast and another escalation of Syrian civil war is looming over us, the celebrations of 8 of March brought the women of northeastern Syria out to the streets from Heseke to Raqqa, From Qamishlo to Deir Ezzor. Women's Protection Units (YPJ) held a military ceremony and reaffirmed its resolve to build democratic Syria with the commitment to the principle of "Woman, Life, Freedom". Women, the leading force behind revolution of northeastern Syria, are and will be in the forefront of unfolding events in Syria and elsewhere - including the resistance of Tishreen dam which, as we speak, holds strong and doesn't let Turkish army and their proxies pass to the other shore of the Euphrates.

Revolutionary greetings! 🖤
#Syria #SDF #DAANES #AANES #SNA #SDF #PYD #YPJ #YPG #HTS #Rojava #Kurdistan #Revolution #DefendRojava #Anarchy #Anarchism #Comrades #Internationalism #AbdullahOcalan #Öcalan #Latakia #PKK #8thMarch #WomenLifeFreedom

tekosinaanarsist.noblogs.orgWar updates | Têkoşîna Anarşîst

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Biweekly update from your anarchist comrades in #NES

Also available on

# Uprisings in coastal areas

In the last days, a new wave of insurgent attacks against the military forces of HTS spread around Latakia, near the strongholds of the ousted Assad regime. The situation spiraled out of control, with protests and massacres taking place. The new Syrian army is undertaking the biggest security operation of their short history, with newly created units deployed to secure the area. Insurgent cells set up ambushes and small attacks on several checkpoints, and Alawites are organizing protests to denounce the brutalities they suffer. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is reporting over a 1000 killed in the ongoing clashes. Some Islamist groups linked to the SNA, not yet integrated in the new Syrian Army, are also deploying in the region. Videos of massacres against Alawite population are spreading in social media while many actors, from the DAANES to the UN, call for an end of hostilities. The transitional government forces are now in control of the main populated regions of Latakia, but in rural areas insurgency attacks and security operations continue. Senior officers of the ousted regime are being captured, others are leading insurgent groups and calling for negotiations with the government. The group called "Syrian popular resistance" claimed some of the attacks against government forces, but even if several attacks are coordinated at the same time it seems unlikely that there is any unified insurgent organization. Transitional government forces also deployed alongside Lebanon border to prevent Hezbollah to support the insurgency, despite Hezbollah stating they have nothing to do with it. A brutal response from security forces, targeting not just the insurgent groups but the Alawite population in general, will probably spark more resentment fueling further escalation.

# No government transition after the "National dialog conference"

On February 24th a 2-day conference was held in the presidential palace of Damascus, with more than 500 people invited to attend. Nevertheless, the invitations were sent less than 48 before the event, making any meaningful participation quite difficult. The invited delegates were mostly figures close to HTS and there was an absence of representation from women, minorities and other political forces. At the end of the conference a final statement was shared, echoing the already announced goals of the transitional government. The conference became a process to legitimize a constitutional committee that will write a provisional constitution for Syria that will need to be approved by the provisional president of Syria Ahmed al-Sharaa. An interim legislative council will assume temporary legislative duties until elections will be held for a permanent legislature. Al-Sharaa implied that the interim government would be responsible to appoint the members of these two bodies.

# Alternative national dialogue conference in Raqqa

Political entities of Northeast Syria not invited to the "National dialog conference", organized an alternative conference in Raqqa. More than 300 representatives of ethnic minorities and political forces not invited to the conference in Damascus joined this alternative conference, calling for a decentralized and democratic Syria. The conference's final statement calls to apply the system of democratic autonomy of northeastern Syria as a model to build a pluralistic and democratic country.

# Statement of Öcalan

At the end of February the delegation that visited Abdullah Ocalan shared a statement calling for a peace process in Turkey. The statement called the PKK to lay down weapons and organize a congress to dissolve the Party. The next day PKK central committee shared a statement welcoming the call of Ocalan and declaring a unilateral ceasefire, urging the Turkish state to initiate a process of democratization needed for peace negotiations to happen. They also called for the liberation of Ocalan, pointing out that only he can lead a congress where PKK can take such important decisions as laying down weapons and dissolving itself, putting the ball in Turkey's court. The AKP government announced that it will not negotiate with PKK.

# Reaction of SDF and PYD to Öcalan's announcement

Mazlum Abdi welcomed the message of Abdullah Ocalan and stated that the call for PKK to disarm doesn't apply to SDF, and that it will continue its work to defend the people of northeastern Syria against the military threats of Turkish forces. The spokesperson of PYD announced that “if the reasons for carrying weapons disappear, we will lay them down,” implying that the SDF will not disarm until Turkey and the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) cease attacks on the SDF in northeastern Syria.

# Southern Syria and the Druze question

The situation in southern Syria was going on a path to normalization with the transitional government forces. "Men of dignity", the main Druze armed faction, together with other smaller groups, reached an agreement to establish Suwaydawi-led security forces under interim Syrian government control in Suwayda Province. The Druze militias and interim government agreed that local leaders and residents from Suwayda would comprise the province’s security units, although it is unclear if Suwaydawis will have a majority presence in the units or if the units will only be comprised of Suwaydawis. With this agreement HTS forces were allowed to deploy in the region that before they were not allowed to access. This came with the ongoing escalation of Israel aggression in the region, that has been using the protection of the Druze community as an excuse to legitimize their deployment and extension of the "security zone", building new military bases beyond their already occupied areas. IDF also conducted new ground operations to destroy military targets in further regions of southern Syria.

# Evaluation

*Read in reply of this post!*

#Syria #SDF #DAANES #AANES #SNA #SDF #PYD #YPJ #YPG #HTS #Rojava #Kurdistan #Revolution #DefendRojava #Anarchy #Anarchism #Comrades #Internationalism #AbdullahOcalan #Öcalan #Latakia #PKK #8thMarch #WomenLifeFreedom

Extrait de la #BD Kobane Calling de #Zerocalcare:

Deux vignettes sur les Monts Qandil, au Rojava:

"Je ne me souviens de rien. J'étais trop occupé à regarder cet amas de poudre d'#étoiles au-dessus de nous. Qui s'appelle #ciel ici aussi, mais n'a rien à voir avec le ciel qu'on connaît.
Là encore, la question c'est le nom qu'on donne aux choses"

Continued thread

Wofür lohnt es sich zu kämpfen?

Schauen wir uns Konzepte an, es gibt genügend. Wir brauchen Utopien, eigene Inhalte.
Demokratie? Schon mal von der Konföderalistischen Demokratie gehört?

Schauen wir nach #Kurdistan, wo Menschen eine Utopie verteidigen für die es sich lohnt. Halten wir fest, dass eine andere Welt, eine antipatriarchale möglich ist. Erzählt davon. Überall auf der Welt gibt es Menschen, die kämpfen.

#FeministischerKampftag #0803 · Kurdistan: Die Geschichte des demokratischen Konförderalismus
Il #PKK verso lo scoglimento?
(non sarebbe la prima volta)

Nelle scorse ore Erdogan, durante una conferenza stampa (sub ING)

ha accolto con favore la dichiarazione di cessate il fuoco del PKK dopo un conflitto durato 40 anni, ma ha avvertito che la #Turchia sarà pronta a continuare a combattere se il gruppo curdo fuorilegge non si scioglierà e disarmerà.

Dopo lo storico appello di Abdullah Öcalan, diffuso il 27 febbraio (leggibile completo in italiano qui ) negli ambienti solidali con la rivoluzione democratica si sono scatenate reazioni contrastanti. Al fine contribuire ad una maggiore comprensione, senza affrettarsi a prendere posizioni, della prospettiva del PKK e del suo leader segnaliamo anche l'intervista a Havin Güneşer, esponente dell’Iniziativa internazionale “ Libertà per Abdullah #Ocalan – Pace in #Kurdistan ” ai microfoni di Radio Onda D'urto (ITA-ENG)

Dopo 26 anni di detenzione e isolamento, #Öcalan potrebbe essere traserito agli arresti domiciliari.

Va segnalato che questa notte ci sono stati bombardamenti turchi a Deraluk e Amedi, nel nord dell'Iraq controllato dai curdi.

[ Critica Università della Strada - ]
Al JazeeraErdogan welcomes PKK ceasefire but warns the group that it must disbandTurkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has welcomed the PKK’s declaration of a ceasefire after a 40-year conflict

PKK: We Will Comply With Leader Öcalan’s Call, We Declare a Ceasefire

The Executive Committee of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) released a statement in response to the historic call made by Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan on 27 February. Öcalan highlighted the urgent need for democratization in Turkey and called for the PKK to lay down arms and dissolve itself. This coming period

abolitionmedia.noblogs.orgPKK: We Will Comply With Leader Öcalan’s Call, We Declare a Ceasefire – Abolition Media
More from abolitionmedia

PKK: We Will Comply With Leader Öcalan’s Call, We Declare a Ceasefire

The Executive Committee of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) released a statement in response to the historic call made by Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan on 27 February. Öcalan highlighted the urgent need for democratization in Turkey and called for the PKK to lay down arms and dissolve itself. This coming period will be incredibly important for the revolutionary movement, particularly as the political siutation in West Asia and the world at large is transforming so quickly.

The PKK Executive Committee’s written statement titled ‘To Our Patriotic People and Democratic Public Opinion’ reads as follows: 

“Leader Abdullah Öcalan’s February 27 statement titled “Call for Peace and Democratic Society” is a Manifesto of the Age that illuminates the path of all forces of freedom and democracy. We respectfully salute Leader Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] for presenting such a manifesto for democratic society to our people and humanity.

A new historic process is beginning in Kurdistan and the Middle East

It is clear that a new historic process is beginning in Kurdistan and the Middle East with the Call in question. This will also have a great impact on the development of free life and democratic governance worldwide. The responsibility on this basis belongs to all of us; everyone must embrace their duties and responsibilities and fulfill the requirements.

We agree with the content of the call as it is

Undoubtedly, being able to make such a call was of historical importance; now, the successful implementation of its content is of similar importance. We in the PKK agree with the content of the call as it is and state that we will fully comply with and implement the requirements of the call on our part. However, we would like to underline that democratic politics and legal grounds must also be secured for its success.

We are carrying historic achievements into a new phase of resistance

It is very clear that the PKK has been the great heroic and true movement of the last half century in Kurdistan. Everything was won through a very brave and self-sacrificing struggle, with a price and labor. We remember all the heroic martyrs of this great freedom struggle with deep respect, love and gratitude. Now, in the same spirit and conviction, we are carrying these historic achievements into a new phase of resistance. The awareness developed by Leader Apo and the great legacy of experience created by the PKK give our people the strength to continue the struggle for the good, the true, the beautiful and freedom on the basis of democratic politics.

We are declaring a ceasefire effective as of today

In this context, in order to pave the way for the implementation of Leader Apo’s Call for Peace and Democratic Society, we are declaring a ceasefire to be effective from today on. None of our forces will take armed action unless attacked. Beyond this, only the practical leadership of Leader Apo can make matters such as laying down arms practical.

Leader Apo must personally direct and lead the Congress

On the other hand, we are ready to convene the party congress as Leader Apo wants. However, in order for this to happen, a suitable security environment must be created, and Leader Apo must personally direct and lead it to make it successful. Up until now, we have led the war to this day – with all its mistakes and shortcomings. However, only Leader Apo can take over the leadership of the era of peace and democratic society.

Leader Öcalan must be granted conditions to live and work in physical freedom

The concrete facts clearly show that in order for the Call for Peace and Democratic Society to be successfully implemented, for the democratization of Turkey and the Middle East based on a democratic solution to the Kurdish question, and for the development of the global democracy movement, Leader Abdullah Öcalan must be granted with conditions to live and work in physical freedom and establish unhindered relationships with anyone he wants, including his friends. We hope that the requirements of this will be fulfilled by the relevant institutions of the state.

The Call by Leader Apo is definitely not an end, but rather a new beginning

Our Esteemed People and Friends!

The Call made by Leader Apo is definitely not an end, but rather a new beginning. The statement puts it very strikingly that what we have not been able to do in a timely and sufficient manner over the last 35 years in general and over the last 20 years in particular needs to be done very clearly and sharply now. In this respect, it is necessary to correctly and sufficiently understand the Leader’s call, its reasons, the characteristics of the new process and the tasks involved, and to successfully implement the requirements. It is of historic importance to approach the content of the Call with great responsibility and seriousness and to successfully implement it in every area.

Let us all consider ourselves responsible for the success of this Call

Let us not forget that Leader Apo has always shouldered the biggest burden himself and has illuminated our path and led us. Now, he is taking a new step with the ‘Call for Peace and Democratic Society’ and is starting a new process of struggle for all the oppressed, especially women and young people. So, let us correctly understand the characteristics of this new process and successfully fulfill its duties on the basis of always being prepared against all kinds of dirty tricks and attacks. Let us develop our democratic organization and our struggle for freedom in every area with great courage and dedication in Kurdistan, the Middle East and all around the world. Let us all consider ourselves responsible for the success of this Call.

We call on everyone to support the Leader’s Call

We have entered the month of March. We are feeling a new excitement leading us to 8 March and Newroz. We are developing the Women’s Freedom Revolution on the basis of Jineoloji, organizing moral and political social life in the Line of Democratic Civilization. We are trying to understand the Apoist reality more accurately and adequately, and to develop the revolution of truth, which is a revolution of mentality and lifestyle. Leader Apo’s last Call is a call to embrace 8 March and Newroz more strongly and to celebrate with more enthusiasm. More than anyone else, women and young people need to understand this Call correctly, embrace it strongly and fulfill its requirements.

On this basis, we congratulate all women and young people, our people and our friends on 8 March Working Women’s Day and Newroz, and we call on everyone to support the Leader’s Call in the spirit of 8 March and Newroz and to develop the freedom struggle in every field!

Long live the Heroic Pioneer of Our People, the PKK!

Bijî Rêber APO!”