#music #livemusic #concert #okgo #madison #wisconsin
This song is the only thing that’s given me a sense of comfort in these last few months.
They’re not trying to convince me that “everything will be okay” like a toxic positivity coach. They wish they could, but this is the best they can do.
Their honesty and dedication to their art gives me a little hope.
#OkGo #Music #AStoneOnlyRollsDownhill #MusicVideo #Art #IWishICouldTellYou #Hope #News #Anxiety
Canada might not be the home of #OkGo, but it's the home of #Hollerado, and some of their videos are pretty good too:
L'ultimo video degli #OKGo, pazzesco come sempre.
"We invested all this time and effort into this so you can have three minutes of 'Wow!' in your day, and a real sense of joy about other humans in the world. That's a very precious commodity right now."
-- Damian Kulash, OK Go
Ok Go
These guys do music videos that never cease to amaze. And, yes, there is a "making of" if you're interested.
This new #OkGo video is really good!
woah new OK Go video for the first time in ... more years than I want to admit
Gli OK Go hanno publicato un nuovo videoclip ed è l’ennesimo capolavoro, non c’è niente, dico: NIENTE nella loro videografia che non meriti di essere proiettata a loop nei musei.
Come ha scritto un utente in un commento lì sotto: in un periodo di AI e CGI imperanti, gli OK Go continuano a impegnarsi nelle loro opere visive con un livello di cura e dedizione imparagonabili a chiunque altro.
Sogno di ascoltarli dal vivo prima o poi.
New #okgo video just dropped.
Great! New video from OK Go!!
OK Go - A Stone Only Rolls Downhill
#OKGO finally released another music video!
There are the same people who made that music video on the hyperbolic airplane in zero gravity.
Anytime I watch one of the music videos and they list the amount of takes it took..... I would rip my fcking hair out if I had to do that xd
Good morning folks.
Woke up this morning mentally singing "Here It Goes Again" by OK Go.
Anyone else?
Hadn't seen this one, even though it's apparently 8 years old as is par for the course for OK Go, it's all in-camera, of course
Zero-G flight is about 20 seconds per arc & this is the result of 20 arcs, so there has to be some compositing going on to make it to 3:21 - I'd actually like to know about that, too, because I can't spot it... #OKGo #music #video #vfx
OK Go - White Knuckles (the video with all the cute dogs)
#OKgo #music
stamattina ok go perché gli amice di sempre non se li ricordano
#mastoradio #aCrescendollsWays #okGo #daftPunk #aMillionWays #crescendolls #raveDj
non doveva venire così ma ce la teniamo
#mastoradio #shadySlimOfIssues #okGo #eminem #anotherSetOfIssues #theRealSlimShady #mashup #raveDj