Finally, the Deckard we all wanted, and it's called BigScreen Beyond 2. Good lenses, good FOV, eye tracking. 108 grams, the weight of 4 AA batteries.
Finally, the Deckard we all wanted, and it's called BigScreen Beyond 2. Good lenses, good FOV, eye tracking. 108 grams, the weight of 4 AA batteries.
Ooooh #Bigscreen is releasing a Beyond 2 with better lenses!
That's been my biggest issue with the Beyond 1 so this could be a welcome upgrade. They're also adding an eye-tracked version which means this could be good for #VRChat users
This is the only thing I want to try in VR
Lesetipps zu XR in der Hochschullehre
Passend zu unserem aktuellen Themenspecial haben wir die beteiligten Expert*innen um Literaturempfehlungen zu XR in der Hochschullehre gebeten.
Alle Empfehlungen rund um Use Cases, VR, MR, AR und was man unbedingt gelesen haben sollte, finden Sie in unserem Blog. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
--> Was gehört noch auf die Leseliste für Lektüre rund um XR? Gerne in die Kommentare schreiben!
Hey Canadians & non-Canadians, not traveling for March Break? Let's F'g Go on Twitch TOMORROW (Tuesday) at @maerchen1313's RETRO Beach Party. BYO bikini and tiny drink umbrellas. I'll bring the 80s surf punk, new wave, and goth. See you there! -->
A 3-d model of one of my favorite sculptures: Richard Evans The II # III by Dan Ben-Shmuel
#sculpture #art #3d #vr #xr #scaniverse #cornell #ithaca #gaussiansplat
Getting an early start in pulling together the #shownotes in #Durham and rocking out to #Metallica in preparation for Monday’s posting of e505 for @gamesatwork_biz with @michaelrowe01 & @andypiper . Stories and discussion on #AI, #AR, #games and their #intertwininess! Check out earlier episodes, chock full of #AI #metaverse #AR #VR #gamification and so much more on
What's this? I'm a *moth*! Join my 21st-C Synth & Darkwave stream from 4 p.m. – 12 a.m. EST today (Saturday) on Twitch! @ 10:30 the Wylde Brethren Raid Train will join us for 90 mins of tribal industrial + dark electro. We have Marbles on Stream & friendly, inclusive chat. Tap in! -->
"The Electric State" is a cool Sci-Fi flick! I just randomly started watching it and got hooked. Great VFX!
I spent most of the day #coding a single button. See, it has to render text in #opengl, over an image, onto a panel in 3D space, which then triggers an external event if any motion tracked #VR cursor presses a controller button or trigger while the tip is colliding. It also highlights on touch, and cleans up its resources when destroyed. Now that buttons are sorted, tomorrow I can work on check-boxes and sliders.
Next week I'm launching Star Central on Horizon Worlds: a galactic cartography "world" on the largest social VR app. Horizon Worlds has a reputation as a hang out for badly behaved kids playing shooter games. But what if there was content that appealed to a different (and older) group of people?
There are a couple of walkable Gaia maps, but the most exciting bit is the Star Cinema with immersive audio and image presentations that take the audience travelling across the galaxy.
#PropagationParadiseHotel is part of the Spring Sale on #Steam & #Meta !
50% Off until March 20 (24 on Meta).
Dare to survive the nightmare ?
Get it on Steam:
Get it on Meta:
No, RC Rush isn't discounted in the Steam Spring sale BUT if you have a VR headset and you like RC cars, then it's totally worth full price!! Even more so if you like supporting small indie developers like me. Check out the reviews from lots of people who paid full price! They love it! And so do I, but I'm bias of course. Look for yourself. Lots of trucks, lots of levels and lots of PC VR racing fun! #NonSale #NotOnSale #SteamSale #VR #RC #RCRush #indiegame #indiedev
Open call
The 1st part of the call for entries to the Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin to be held in Paris in November 2025 is still open until 21 March.
New cinema and contemporary art ️ film, video, multimedia
All info on
Please share!
#movingimage #newcinema #contemporaryart #film #video #multimedia #vr #screening #exhibition #forum #experimental
Image: "Musarion" by Dominik Bais, Vincent Hannawacker, Marie Jaksch, Mara Pollak and Julian Rabus
How can art and creative education help us explore the role of robots in society?
In the latest episode, I chatted to Prof. Vali Lalioti from the University of the Arts London about creative robotics.
Available wherever you get your podcasts:
Get ready for some chaos as POSTAL 2: VR has been announced
Der Arbeitskreis VR/AR-Learning der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) ruft zum Wettbewerb „AVRiL 2025“ auf. Gesucht werden Einreichungen, die VR- und AR-Technologien in konkreten Lernszenarien vorstellen. Bis zum 23. Mai können Ihre innovativen Projekte eingereicht werden.
Nutzen Sie die Chance und präsentieren Sie Ihre Lernszenarien!
Mehr Infos dazu in unserem Blog: